My world is in your love Chapter-22

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Everyone was shocked to hear the news. Some felt happy for Riansh, but Karthik and Kabir were broken. Ragini went into vexation after hearing this news.

Chanchal: Vansh, why are you telling a lie that you married Riddhima? Why are you pampering this witch lady?

Vansh: How dare you call my wife a witch. I am telling the truth. I have married Riddhima. Yes, I am supporting her because I am her husband. Riddhima could have used the power that she is my wife, but she didn't confess the truth that we are married to anyone after being accused by everyone.

Kabir: I don't believe it. What rubbish are you talking? When did this happen?

Vansh: Kabir, a month before we got married in the registrar office in front of the family lawyer. Angre, show them the marriage certificate and the photo. I and Riddhima had legally done our marriage.

Everyone was eager to look at the photo and certificate. Vansh started to wipe Riddhima's tears. Both started to stare at each other. Vansh held her hands tightly, giving her more strength.

Kabir: Vansh, did you force Riddhima into this relationship? Did you blackmail her? Riddhima, tell me if vansh has married you forcefully, we will file a case against him?

Riddhima who was silent, began to quarrel with Kabir.

Riddhima: Kabir, Stop it. You have already accused me of many things. I can tolerate it. But, when you accuse Vansh, I can't tolerate it. You will see the other side of me. It is none of your business to enter my married life.

Ragini: Vansh, Riddhima has manipulated you. You told us who was not interested in marriage. I know she is the reason behind this marriage drama. Riddhima had married you to steal your money and property.

Vansh: Ragini, did you know? I have not spent a single penny on Riddhima. In this one month of marriage life, I have not spent a day happily with her, not brought any ornaments and clothes to her. Even when we went for a night outing, Riddhima was the one who used to pay the money for our expenses. I am the richest person in the world, till now she has not demanded anything for me. But you before two years from the engagement date came up with a condition that transferred the entire property of me to your name. Riddhima is not like you.

Ragini: But Vansh, ...

Vansh: Ragini, Enough, get out of the VR mansion. Don't make me angry by taking my gun out. But before that, Ahana, I need help from you. I will ask Riddhima to do it. But she is weak now. So, whatever Ragini gave to Riddhima. Give it back to Ragini.

Ahana gave a tight slap in Ragini's face. Ahana held Ragini's neck from back tightly and pushed her towards the entrance. Chanchal and Kabir went to their room in anger.

Dadi: Vansh, you could have told us, right. We have a lot of dreams about your marriage. You have destroyed everyone's happiness, Vansh.

Vansh: Dadi, I will explain it to you...

Dadi: We will talk about this in the morning. Everyone go to your room.

Everyone went to their room. Riddhima went to her room quickly and started to cry. Vansh followed her. Riddhima started to cry loudly. After seeing Vansh knocking the door, Riddhima came and hugged him. Riddhima felt secure and safe in Vansh's arms and again started to cry. Vansh was hugging her back with lots of trust.

Vansh: Sweetheart, give some rest to your eyes. Stop crying.

Riddhima: Thank you, Vansh, for supporting me.

Vansh took the 'V' dollar chain from the pocket and weared the chain to Riddhima.

Vansh: Sweetheart, you are tired now. I am also very tired. We had better have our talk in the morning. You have to sleep now. Did you take your medicine?

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