My world is in your love Chapter-12

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Karthik gave a visit to the VR mansion to see Rohan. Rohan and Karthik had a conversation, Riddhima also joined them. Karthik was more friendly towards Riddhima. Vansh came to the living area and found Karthik and Riddhima talking with each other. Vansh couldn't digest it. Vansh had a possessive feeling towards Riddhima. Riddhima noticed Vansh. Riddhima was angry at vansh because Rohan slit his wrist for vansh. She was not ready to have a look at him. Riddhima tried to avoid Vansh. Vansh understood that she was still in anger. Vansh went to his study room. Angre came to the study room.

Angre: Boss, here is my resignation letter.

Vansh: What? Have you lost your mind? Go to work.

Angre: No, Boss. I am not your loyal servant.

Vansh: Stop it! Angre. What is the need to quit the job?

Angre: Boss, Ish.... Ishan...I couldn't tell you the reason.

Vansh: It is about Ishani, right.

Angre: Yes, Boss. She is flirting with me. I don't have any interest in her. But Boss, how did you come to know?

Vansh: Dadi told me that Ishani is interested in you. Angre, Do you like her?

Angre: I like her as a friend. I need some time to understand her.

Vansh: okay, Angre whenever you are free, make her understand your feeling, or you should understand her feeling. Whatever the decision, I will accept it.

Angre: Thank you, Boss. Our next plan is about Riddhima.

Vansh: Yes, let's start it. Angre go to Riddhima and tell her that dadi is calling her to the kitchen. However, she needs to cross the store room to go to the kitchen. Then we will execute our plan.

Angre left the room while going to the the riddhima room. Ishani pulled Angre and tried to hide behind the pillar.

Ishani: I wanted to go for a date, Angre.

Angre: Ishani, Did you get permission from vansh bhai?

Ishani: Yes, Angre.

Angre: Okay, I will arrange a car, will you say who that lucky guy is coming to the date with you? I will check about that person's character.

Ishani: Angre, are you a spotlight?

Angre: No...

Ishani: I am asking you out.

Angre: Ohh... We shall go tomorrow. I have some work.

Ishani said yes and gave a wink to angre. Angre went to Riddhima's room and said that dadi is calling her to the kitchen. Riddhima said that she would be in five minutes. When Riddhima was walking in the corridor, she heard a voice saying 'RIDDHIMA'. She quickly tried to hide herself behind the window of the store room.

Angre: Boss, how could we stop Riddhima?

Vansh: We should stop her somehow, she shouldn't know her true identity.

Angre: But what will she do when she comes to know about her childhood photos?

Vansh: I don't know, Angre, but Riddhima shouldn't find the truth about her past.

Angre: Boss, you have a meeting with that person who is going to reveal riddhima's identity. It will be in the evening at 4 p.m.

Vansh: okay, Angre, I will go alone.

Riddhima was secretly listening to Vansh and Angre. But, Riddhima didn't know it was Vansh plan to trap her. Riddhima thought, "Do vansh know my identity, but why is he refusing to tell me? Why shouldn't I know about my past?"

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