My world is in your love Chapter-32

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Riddhima was taken inside the operation theatre. Rohan was standing like a statue in front of the operation theatre. Vansh had a fear of losing Riddhima. He went near the Ganapathi Bappa idol placed in the hospital. Vansh began to talk with the Ganapathi bappa idol.

Vansh: Hey Ganaraya, Riddhima is your friend, right. She always believes you and always praises you. Just save her life. You have taken my parents in my childhood. Now don't take away my Riddhima. She is my world, and I love her. Please save her life, Ganapathi bappa.

Vansh came near Rohan and touched his shoulder. Rohan hugged him tightly.

Vansh: Rohan, we will stop our plan.

Rohan: No, Vansh. We will continue with it. Nothing will happen to our Riddhima. If we stop the plan, the sacrifice made by you will be a waste.

Karthik, Kabir and Ahana came to the hospital. The doctor came out from the operation theatre.

Vansh: Doctor, how is Riddhima? Shall I see her?

Doctor: Vansh, we have given the best treatment for her. But, she is still in an unconscious state. She should wake up within the next 10 hours. Otherwise the situation may turn critical for her. She might go into coma. No one shouldn't enter the ICU room. She will be under our observation.

Karthik: Vansh, it is all because of you. After, Riddhima wakes up, I will definitely put you in jail for torturing her.

Vansh: Karthik, first take care of your dad. For saving that crazy old man, my Riddhima was ready to sacrifice her life. If anything happens to her, I will burn you and your dad.

Karthik: Vansh, you...

Kabir: Karthik, will you stop your stupid assumption on Vansh. First, go and take care of your dad. Ahana, give some water to Vansh and Rohan.

Sunil was admitted in the same hospital on the ground floor. Aryan and Angre were searching for Mohit Sharma in Mumbai.

It was a dark night. A rich lady was holding a baby girl in her hand and running so fast. The blood was coming from the head. The little girl was four years old wearing a 'V' dollar chain and was crying loudly because of seeing the blood from that lady. The girl was wiping the blood with her tiny hand while other hand was holding the lady's saree tightly in fear. The lady was giving a fake smile to the little girl, so in turn, the girl started to smile.

The lady started to run to save her life and the child's life. Suddenly, they were hit by a car. The lady and girl both fell on the road's floor. The little girl became unconscious, and the lady gave a kiss on the girl's forehead and became unconscious. Both of them went to an unconscious state. The person who came in the car rushed towards them and took both of them to the hospital.

A screaming sound was heard from the ICU room. Vansh and other people who were waiting outside the ICU room were shocked when they heard a sound from the ICU room. Vansh immediately entered the ICU room. Riddhima's eyes were closed, but she was blabbering something.

Riddhima: No...Nothing should happen to us.... Somebody please save us...

Vansh caressed Riddhima's face and asked her to call the doctor. Rohan was happy to see Riddhima in this state, finally he could hear his sweet sister's voice. Everyone in the family are happy to know that Riddhima is away from the danger.

Vansh: Riddhima, nothing will happen to you. Your sunil uncle is safe now. Open your eyes.

Riddhima slowly opened her eyes. She noticed Vansh and Rohan standing near her. Riddhima was looking with fear. She quickly gave a side hug to Vansh. Vansh hugged her back. Vansh slowly place a forehead kiss on Riddhima's head. Angre came with the doctor. The doctor asked everyone to leave the ICU room for checking Riddhima. Vansh was about to leave the room, but Riddhima held Vansh's hand. The doctor asked Vansh to stay in the room. The doctor was checking Riddhima's condition.

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