My world is in your love Chapter- 45

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Vansh was shocked to hear the news on the phone. Riddhima looked at him puzzled. Vansh immediately hold the wrist of Riddhima and pulled her towards the car. Vansh started to drive fastly while Riddhima was sitting beside him still confused.

Riddhima: Vansh, why are you so tense? Who called you?

Vansh: Riddhima, Angre was the one who called me on the phone. Ragini is out of jail.

Riddhima: But how did she come out of the jail?

Vansh: Someone has bailed her. I am sure she will create some chaos in my life. I don't know you are supporting her still now.

Riddhima: It might be Akash. Akash is a son of Mohit Sharma so Ragini must be Akash's sister.

Vansh: Riddhima, tell me clearly what happened that night at the party?

Riddhima: While Sia was talking in front of everyone, suddenly there was a huge blasting sound with black color smoke was filled all over the room. I was left alone. Arjun was standing near me but he vanished in the smoke. I couldn't breathe. Akash pulled me to the corner of the room and told his revenge story to me. He escaped from the scenario. You rescued me.

Vansh: Okay, Riddhima. Tell me something that happened weird moment on that day. Try to Recall every moment.

Riddhima: On that night, when we returned home after that party, Arjun and Rohan had a huge argument between them. Arjun was giving a false accusation on you. Arjun was blabbering about your character exactly like Sunil Uncle. Rohan slapped Arjun. I didn't try to stop Rohan. After that incident, I went to sleep.

Vansh was jumbled by the event that happened on that day. Still, now he doubted Karthik and Anu. But he got a clear idea about Karthik and Anu after today's incident.

Vansh dropped Riddhima in Rajeev's house. Riddhima made a knock at the car's window. Vansh opened the car window and peeped his head outside.

Riddhima: Ok, tell me about your feelings for me.

Vansh: Riddhima, I am not feeling well. We will talk about it later.

Riddhima understood that he is avoiding this topic. She gave a glaring towards him.

Riddhima: What do you think about me? I am always thinking about you, but you are not ready to open your feelings towards me. Then open your ears and listen to me. I hate you.

She shouted at him and went inside the house. Vansh couldn't tell his feeling. Whenever he wanted to tell his emotions to Riddhima, Riddhima's life become a danger. Now, His all concentration was to find who is supporting Ragini and Akash.

Vansh came to the VR mansion and went to his room. Whenever he is confused, he used to solve the Rubik's cube. Slowly his eyes closed, he went to deep slumber.

Next morning,

Riddhima was a little sad about Vansh's attitude towards her. A notification popped on her phone. The message was from Arjun stating that he wants to meet her in the park and talk about his donation towards the orphanage. Riddhima agreed to meet him.

VR Mansion

Rohan came inside screaming Vansh's name. His eyes were watery. Vansh looked at his condition. Soon Rohan's tears started to flow from his eyes.

Rohan: Vansh! Riddhima is not picking up my phone call. A threatening phone call came to me before few minutes that she is kidnapped.

Vansh: Rohan, it must be drama done by Riddhima. Did you call Karthik and Anu?

Rohan: Yes! Karthik and Anu don't know anything about Riddhima. I also asked every friend of Riddhima. Karthik and Anu told there will reach the VR mansion soon.

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