My world is in your love Chapter-33

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Riddhima was feeling bad, so she went to the garden to get some breeze. She went and sat near the place which was fully covered by flowers. Anu was searching for Riddhima. Looking at Riddhima being worried, Anu went near her.

Anu: Riddhima di, what happened? Why are you looking so worried?

Riddhima: No one think about me or cares about me in this world. My brother is eager to destroy my life. Rajeev uncle tried to kill me in that chain snatching accident. Sunil uncle waiting for an opportunity to take me away to Hyderabad. Atlast, Vansh! He shattered my London dreams, but I still love him. Everyone close to me gives pain to me.

Anu: Wait a minute, now I understand. Did Vansh sir reject your proposal?

Riddhima: Yes. He told that he was not interested in this stuff. Like every girl, I also have some dream about my life partner, but my marriage was done by black-mailing me.

Anu: Oh, then tell me about your dream of meeting your life partner.

Riddhima: Anu, have you heard about fairy tales story? Like that in a twilight time, a beautiful princess is waiting on the balcony to meet her prince. Her prince is coming to meet her in a magical carpet which is flying in the sky. The prince shows his hand in front of the princess. The princess places her hand on the Prince. The Prince pulled her inside the magical carpet, and both were riding in the magical carpet. The prince took the princess in his embrace. When the princess was looking at the beautiful scenery, she started to scream in excitement and spread her hands wide in the sky and felt like flying. While the prince was just staring at the princess's glowing face in the moon light. The prince confesses his love for the princess, and the princess agrees to it. Finally, they lived happily by loving each other.

Anu(chuckling): Riddhima di, is it your dream? It is looking like an Aladdin story. It will never happen in anyone's life.

Riddhima: Yes, I know about it. It will never happen. Vansh just got married for benefits. I wanted to forget my feelings for him and stop developing feelings towards him.

Anu was dumbstruck. She just placed her hands on Riddhima's hand and gave her confidence. A pair of eyes was watching Anu and Riddhima's conversation from the corridor with a lot of emotions.

After few hours, when Riddhima was about to leave the garden. She heard a crying sound from the corner of the garden. There was a room filled with darkness. A small amount of light was visible in the room. She entered and noticed a girl was crying so loudly due to the effect of electric shock given to her. The girl was none other than Ragini. Vansh and Rohan were standing and enjoying Ragini's punishment.

Riddhima: Stop it!

Rohan: Riddhima, what are you doing here?

Riddhima went near Ragini and looked at her face. There were dark circles around her eyes. Her entire body was filled with wounds.

Riddhima: Vansh, just leave Ragini. Why are you behaving so cruel towards her?

Vansh: Riddhima, she deserves it. Ragini, just tell where your dad is, otherwise the punishment will be more severe.

Riddhima: Vansh, whether your heart is made of stone. Why are you giving such a punishment to her?

Rohan: Riddhima, did you forget whatever she did for you? Not only for you, but Ragini tried to play with Kabir's feelings. She came up with an idea of manipulating Kabir and breaking Kabir and Ahana's bond. At last this witch lady tried to make YOU as.....

Vansh (winked looking at Rohan): Rohan! Stop, you don't need to explain her cruel behavior towards our family with Riddhima. Ragini, you wanted to destroy my family, isn't it? Angre, continue the punishment, don't stop it!

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