My world is in your love Chapter-36

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In the VR mansion, everyone was tensed, because of the sudden disappearance of Vansh and Riddhima in holi party. Sunil started to create a problem.

Dadi: Rohan, did you see Riddhima and Vansh in the mansion?

Rohan: No, Dadi. I have searched them.

Karthik: Dadi, When I was dancing, I saw Vansh clenching Riddhima's wrist with anger and took her away from the dance floor.

Sunil: Finally, my thoughts are right. Riddhima is not happy with Vansh. Look at Ahana and Kabir, they look like a perfect happy couple. But Riddhima is just getting hatred from Vansh.

Rajeev: Sunil, just relax. Riddhima is not a small kid. Riddhima had just gone with her husband. Why are you creating so much problem? This is Riddhima's in-laws' house, please behave properly.

Sunil: Now, my main concern is Riddhima. Karthik, I am filing a complaint against Vansh.

Sia: Sunil Uncle, just wait for a minute. Ishani is also missing.

Dadi: Sia, did you make a phone call?

Sia: Dadi, no one is picking up the phone call.

Riddhima and Vansh were returning in the car from Kamshet to Mumbai. Riddhima's mind was filled with lots of questions.

Ridhima(mind): Who tried to save me and Uma aunty from the accident? Really, that same person is my sponsor in education. I can't believe it. But I should find Uma aunty soon.

Vansh was noticing Riddhima's face. Riddhima's face was looking confused.

Vansh: Riddhima, What happened? Why are you looking sad now?

Riddhima: Nothing, Vansh. Thinking about the VR mansion. Wait a minute, did you inform dadi that we are going to Kamshet?

Vansh: No, Sweetheart. Just 15 minutes more, we will reach the mansion soon. Don't need to get tensed.

Riddhima: Vansh, why am I going to get tensed when you are with me?

Riddhima slowly leaned on Vansh's shoulder. Vansh bent his head and placed a kiss on her forehead while driving. Both reached the mansion. At the same time, a car was entering the mansion. It was Ishani and Angre inside the car.

Riddhima: Ishani, I think this is your best longest drive, isn't it?

Ishani: Yes, Bhabhi. Really, understanding angre is the most difficult thing for me in this world. I should really thank Vansh bhai for it.

Vansh: Are you both coming inside or are you going to stand outside the mansion?

Riansh and Ishangre entered the VR mansion. They were stunned to see everyone present in the living area. Dadi was a little upset. Vansh went near Dadi. Karthik started to play the video in the projector. The video shows Vansh clencing Riddhima's wrist with anger and taking her away from the dance floor. Riddhima was confused to see the video. Vansh looked at Rohan. Rohan expressed everything in the eye expression. From his expression, Vansh understood that it was a drama created by Rohan's uncle and karthik.

Sunil: Riddhima, you don't need to live with Vansh. He is torturing you. I have asked Karthik to file a case against him. Let's see him in the court. Just come with me.

Riddhima: Sunil uncle, I am happy with Vansh.

Sunil: How much time will you sacrifice your life? Just come with me.

Sunil held Riddhima's hand and was going to move, but Vansh held Riddhima's other hand.

Vansh(growling): Mr. Old Man, how much time do I tell you? You are not Riddhima's guardian. Rohan is Riddhima's guardian. Why are you always trying to manipulate Riddhima?

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