My world is in your love Chapter-9

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It was Sia's birthday. Vansh arranged a blood donation camp in the morning and a birthday party in the evening for Sia. Sia was sad. Everyone gave gifts to her that made her little happy. Rohan gave a bracelet to sia. Dadi gave her a new dress lehenga to her. Ishani and Aryan presented a family photo frame to Sia.

Sia: Vansh bhai! Where is the gift?

Vansh: Sorry, my little princess, I was busy at work. I didn't get anything for you.

Sia: Bhai, I am grown up. Enough of your drama, tell me where the gift is.

Vansh: Sia, I have a gift for you, but it is in the garden.

Riddhima was standing in the garden. Sia was on cloud nine when she saw Riddhima. Sia and Riddhima hugged each other. Riddhima gave a gift to sia. It was a cute little Ganapathi bappa statue. Sia loved it. Vansh gave her a huge teddy bear and a diamond necklace. Everyone was happy with Riddhima's arrival except Chanchal. Kabir was in the office and came to know that Riddhima was back in the VR mansion. Dadi and Vansh showed a new room to Riddhima. Riddhima liked the room. Dadi presented a dress for riddhima for the birthday party. Everyone donated their blood. Vansh just looked at angre. Angre understood and nodded his head.

The birthday celebration begins. Everyone came except Sia and Riddhima. Dadi went to Riddhima's room. Riddhima was tensed because of Kabir and scared because of Vansh. Dadi entered the room. Dadi understood Riddhima's situation.

Dadi: Riddhima! You look so beautiful in this dress!

Riddhima: Thank you, Dadi.

Dadi: Everyone is waiting outside for you and sia. Come fast, dear.

Riddhima: Dadi, But I am not feeling well, shall I stay here?

Dadi: Riddhima, in everyone's life there will be a problem. We need to face the situation and solve it. We shouldn't run away from it. If we face that situation, it makes us stronger people. I won't force you to come down. You can come when you are relaxed.

Dadi left the room. Rohan's relative Karthik was invited to the party. Sia came to the party soon, Riddhima came through the steps. Vansh was talking with Rohan. Riddhima wore a red applique pattern quinceanera ball gown dress. Vansh was left speechless when she saw Riddhima. Kabir started to stare at her. Everyone at the party noticed her beauty. Riddhima went near to Dadi. Sia's birthday party started by cutting the birthday cake. The cake cutting was completed. Riddhima noticed Kabir was staring at her. Karthik came and introduced himself to riddhima that he was Rohan's relative. Rohan also joined them. Vansh became envious when he saw Karthik with Riddhima.

Sia conducted a couple dance show. In this show the couple pair's will be changed for each 5 minutes, if there are interested else there can dance with the same pair.

Rohan showed his hand in front of Riddhima, Riddhima accepted it and started to dance with him. Vansh was happy to see Riddhima and Rohan dance. Kabir was having a jealousy feeling. Ishani was eagerly waiting for the moment. Ishani held Angre's hand and went to the dance floor. Many girls approached vansh but vansh denied for the couple dance.

After five minutes, Karthik pulled Riddhima towards herself. Now, Vansh was changing into anger mode. Vansh thought to himself: why did this girl accept to dance with Karthik? Everyone praised the couple's dancing skill. Kabir and Vansh both couldn't tolerate Riddhima's dance with Karthik. After five minutes this time, Kabir took the chance to dance with Riddhima. Riddhima was uncomfortable to dance with Kabir. Vansh was jealous to see her with Kabir. Within a minute, she left the place and went to her room.

Riddhima started to cry. Rohan came to her room to console her.

Rohan: Riddhima, what happened to you?

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