My world is in your love Chapter- 40

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The words came from Vansh's mouth, piercing Riddhima's heart. The man who is very concerned about her life was the one planning to kill her and her family.

Riddhima: Vansh, are you joking? Why is Sunil uncle going to kill his own sister and family?

Vansh: Riddhima, before two days when I told you the murderer was Rajeev, this question should have been raised in your mind, right. But it didn't rouse in your mind. Rajeev is also your uncle. But you didn't support Rajeev. Now answer me this question—why is Rajeev uncle going to kill his own brother and family?

Riddhima: Vansh, Whenever I interact with Rajeev uncle, I used to end up in a fight. He has already tried to kill me before in two months. You also gave a warning to him.

Vansh: Yes, I agree he tried to kill you. But when you entered the mansion, he didn't know that you belonged to his family. He thought that you were an orphan. Rajeev had an idea of marrying Ahana with me, but I and Ahana are good friends. He misunderstood that you were trying to manipulate me for money. So he tried to kill you. Riddhima, after knowing the truth, he did Kanyadhan for you. He gave lots of gifts for you as his blessing.

Riddhima: Vansh, he didn't do it on his own. Dadi insisted that he should perform Kanyadhan and that gifts were just name-sake things. Okay, I agree Rajeev is not the murderer. How are you telling confidently Sunil uncle is the murderer?

Vansh: Riddhima, I found some papers and a document in my Dad's room. Now you are going to read it and understand who was the murderer. Now sit on the sofa and read it.

Riddhima looked at the papers and a document which had 30 documents. She rolled her eyes and started to read. Vansh left the study room and went for a meeting. While Riddhima started to read the document, she was feeling so sleepy. She stood up and went near the table to drink the water. Her right hand was busy in drinking water while the left hand had the document.

Her gaze fell upon a strange thing in the room. She noticed a big trunk box in the room. She has come to the study room many times, but she has never noticed it. She quickly went and opened the wooden trunk box. She opened it, and the box had lots of medals, cups, shields and certificates of Vansh. She was astonished to see the honours and awards of Vansh.

Riddhima (in mind): My husband is really bizarre. He has kept his certificate and prizes in this dirty trunk box. All should be kept in a showcase in the living area.

She started to look deeper. She found a basketball and photos. Looking at the photos, a smile appeared on her face. She kept everything again on the wooden trunk box and sat on Vansh's chair and started to read the paper.

Two hours passed,

Vansh and Rohan entered the room. Vansh and Rohan looked at Riddhima who was sleeping peacefully in Vansh's desk. Rohan was afraid because Vansh doesn't like anyone entering his study room without his permission and sitting on his king-size rolling chair. But Vansh was admiring Riddhima's beauty. She was looking like an angel to him. Rohan slowly made her wake up.

Riddhima rubbed her eyes slowly and woke up. Rohan asked her to stand from the chair. Riddhima was about to stand from the chair. But Vansh held her shoulders and made her sit in the chair.

Rohan: Riddhima, who gave you permission to sit on Vansh's chair?

Vansh: Rohan, she is my wife. She has all rights to sit on this chair. She doesn't need any permission.

Riddhima: Vansh, I am sorry!

Vansh: Sweetheart, you don't need to apologize to me. Have you finished reading the documents?

Riddhima: I have completed 50%, the remaining documents are not in English. It looks like some other language.

Vansh: Yes, Riddhima. The documents are in Telugu.

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