My world is in your love Chapter- 42

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Riddhima was in the hospital for a week. Uma has come to the mansion. Chanchal used the opportunity and tried to manipulate Uma with her words. Chanchal started to create a false opinion on Riddhima saying that she was an orphan who married Vansh just for his money. Uma was shocked to hear that his son's wife was a gold digger.

Vansh was busy in his study room with his files. Rohan and Lawyer came to his study room. Vansh closed his file and looked at the lawyer.

Lawyer: Vansh, did you interact with Riddhima about your decision?

Vansh: No, she will come to know about it when she returns to the mansion from hospital. Rohan, do you have any opinion on my decision?

Rohan: No, Vansh. I agree to it.

After two days, Riddhima returned to the mansion. Everyone was present in the living area. Riddhima was surprised to see everyone. Rajeev was also standing near the pillar. The lawyer and Vansh were standing in the middle of the living area. The lawyer came near her and gave her the documents.

Riddhima opened the documents and started to read the content. After reading the documents, the documents in her hand were dropped on the floor. Her hands were shaking and trembling. Others could not understand what was in that document.

Riddhima: This cannot happen!

Lawyer: Riddhima, you already know about it.

Riddhima: Yes, I knew about it. How could you apply for a divorce, Vansh? The contract marriage agreement was based on six months. But we have finished only two months.

Vansh: Riddhima, the agreement was changed again. You didn't read the document on that mehandi ceremony day. After we found who was the murderer of your parents, the condition was to break our fake relationship. That was clearly written on it.

Riddhima(trembling): Vansh, ... How could.... You say... Our relationship is fake?

Vansh: Riddhima, I was not interested in this marriage drama. To find who was the murderer, I just showed my fake concern towards you.

Riddhima looked at Vansh with tearful eyes. Vansh was standing like an emotionless person. Rajeev came near Riddhima.

Rajeev: Riddhima, did you do a contract marriage with Vansh?

Riddhima closed her eyes and nodded her head. Riddhima slowly told everything that happened between her and Vansh. The way Vansh extorted her for the marriage. Kabir, Ahana, Aryan, Sia and Ishani were standing in utter shock. The whole mansion became silent. After two minutes, a huge slap sound was heard. Everyone looked towards the direction. Vansh's cheeks were turned into red because of his grandmother.

Dadi: How could you play with her life? If you want to find the murderer, you could have tried in other ways. Not by playing with people's emotions and feelings. Look at her face, she had lots of goals and dreams in her life. She had sacrificed everything for you. Please accept her.

Vansh: Dadi, please stop it. This is my final decision. Rohan is Riddhima's guardian. Rohan knows about my decision very well. So, Riddhima can leave the VR mansion and my life.

Riddhima was dumbstruck. The man she loved the most in this world was asking her to leave the mansion and from his life. Vansh's words were echoing inside her brain. Dadi gave a glare at Vansh. Riddhima quietly walked out of the mansion. Rajeev, Ahana and Kabir followed her.

Kabir: Riddhima, where are you going? I will talk with Vansh. Please stay in the mansion.

Riddhima: Kabir, you know him very well. He won't change his decision.

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