Chapter 18

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Jeongwoo didn’t think of meeting Doyoung once he reached home, but well, the poor boy was stuck for hours at his house because of the oblivious younger. However, as soon as Doyoung saw Jeongwoo’s face, he became super excited to know how the apparent date of his best friend went.

“Woo!! What did he say?? Did he ask you out already?? Did he arrange a second date? When will he take you home?” Doyoung asked all at once. Jeongwoo sighed.

“Calm down, Doyoung ah!” he let out a forced chuckle, “It wasn’t a date.”

Doyoung looked puzzled. He looked at Jeongwoo questioning what he just said.

“I mean, he just sat and talked about stuff, nothing serious.” Jeongwoo hid the truth. He didn’t want to disclose the true reason behind his meet up with Haruto yet. Maybe, he really wanted to see if Doyoung could grow fond of Haruto day by day or not. 

“Eh? But I thought he’d be bold about it. He didn’t seem like the person to take things slow...” Doyoung paused, “But maybe that’s a good thing!” his eyes lit up, “you must be special to him, right??” Doyoung smirked and elbowed Jeongwoo, teasing him hard.

Jeongwoo felt bitter inside, listening to the positive words from his best friend. Doyoung is such an innocent boy! If Doyoung did fall for Haruto one day, no matter how hard it could get, he would always support his best friend.

“Doyoung ah,” Jeongwoo spoke after a while, “What do you think about Haruto? I mean how would he be like as a boyfriend?”

Doyoung looked confused for a split second but soon a cheeky smile spread across his face, “Aye my boy is already dreaming about his love life with the future CEO~” he spoke in a singing voice. Jeongwoo just rolled his eyes. It was hard for him to pretend to be okay after being betrayed like that, but he was determined. He had to know if Doyoung could possibly like Haruto or not. To be fair, he did think about Doyoung and Haruto together and unsurprisingly enough, he found out that the two could make a great couple. So, he thought about trying at least.

“Hmm... let’s see... based on what I saw, he would be pretty good, I guess.” Doyoung stated, “Since he’s that handsome, you might have to fight jealousy, but that can make him really protective about you.”

“So, you think he’s handsome?” Jeongwoo asked.

“Without any doubt!” Doyoung grinned, “But I think he’d boast about his boyfriend a lot! Like showing them off or showering them with gifts because he's rich!!”

Jeongwoo nodded. Everything Doyoung said made him think about the possibility of Doyoung liking Haruto too. It might not be romantic yet, because Doyoung wasn’t that type of friend to steal your man. But if the situation was in favour, it might be possible for Doyoung to crush on Haruto as well. And if that’s the case, Jeongwoo would be a selfish freak to not let Doyoung have the chance.

“So, um, do you-” Jeongwoo started but Doyoung cut him off mid-sentence, “Woo, we will continue this later, okay? I have been stuck at your place for a long time now! My assignments aren’t even halfway done, so I’ll head home for now!”

Doyoung quickly walked towards the front door of the house waving goodbye at Jeongwoo. The question about if Doyoung could even look at Haruto in a romantic way, thus remained unanswered.


Doyoung had to be nosy in his best friend’s business, right? He was dying to know more about Jeongwoo’s interactions with Haruto but his assignments got in his way! Therefore, as soon as he stepped foot in his school the next morning, he rushed towards his classroom so fast as to even forget to say goodbye to Yedam; who rode on the same car as him while reaching the school.

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