Chapter 22

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Junkyu thought Jihoon would attend university right after that night, but he was wrong. Jihoon skipped university two more days. It wasn’t just him missing, he was totally out of reach for those days too. To Junkyu, it felt like the thin ray of light Jihoon showed him that night was getting dimmer by each passing day.

The third day after that night, or in total, the fifth day of Jihoon skipping the university, Junkyu walked in the class frantically moving his eyes to see that maybe, just maybe Jihoon could be there, but no. He failed to see that bubbly aura of his favourite person. Instead, a sympathetic look on Yoshi greeted him. Junkyu clumsily sat down beside Yoshi.

Junkyu and Yoshi tried to give proxy for Jihoon, but they couldn’t succeed in all the classes. Even so, they managed to save Jihoon’s attendance just as much. Junkyu also followed every lecture, noting it down carefully so that when Jihoon came, he could help the latter cover up. Jihoon must come one day, right? He promised Junkyu that night!

But Junkyu could only hope and wait. He wanted to go to Jihoon’s house, but restrained himself. It wouldn’t be wise enough to destroy the little chance they still had.

Even sad, Junkyu knew how to act. And God must have blessed that patient boy because right when the bell was about to ring, a certain Park Jihoon walked inside the class.

Junkyu, who was looking down, didn’t notice the sudden rise of conversation around him. But when Yoshi shouted a ‘Jihoon ah!’ Junkyu snapped his head up.
And he met his eyes with the glistening ones of the love of his life.

Those eyes shined. They didn’t form a crescent shape though, because Jihoon wasn’t laughing, he just had a curvy shape on his lips due to happiness. His brows were up in the middle as his eyes dropped down on the edges. He was looking extremely happy.

Junkyu jumped up and hugged the boy tight. Some of his classmates, who knew they were a couple, clapped and whistled. Some, who only guessed by seeing them together always, hummed in agreement as they found out the truth. Some, who were just nerds, didn’t care.

But Yoshi was the happiest. He had that huge angelic smile on his face, seeing two of his best friends finally with each other, after witnessing Junkyu’s distress while they were apart.

“I missed you", Junkyu spoke in Jihoon’s neck. Just two days' separation might not mean much, but if you are stuck almost 24/7 with your partner, either in a real or virtual manner, you might feel how each second tortured the boys while they were apart.

“I'm here, now, don’t worry!” Jihoon mumbled. He was too invested in the hug to say anything else.

The classes were about to start. Any minute the teacher would come. Yoshi saw the time and an instant idea popped in his head.

“You two don’t seem to be enjoying the class afterwards,” he spoke, “I'll manage the attendance and notes! Go and talk with each other!” he suggested.

And the two boys who longed for each other couldn’t even argue. So, they quickly took the bags and left. They were really lucky because no teacher saw them when they walked through the campus, outside the varsity.

They had their hands intertwined. Smiles crept on their faces like the brightest stars in the galaxy. In a way, they were running.

As if running away from the obnoxious past. As if running towards a utopia, with only them.

They reached their favourite cafe. Oh! The memories. When they had their very first date, it was a cafe as such, not the same though. But they felt the same chills.

They chose a table of four. They could have gone for a small table of two, but then they would have to face each other, while Jihoon wanted to sit beside Junkyu. So, on the table of four, they chose seats that were side by side just so Jihoon could keep holding Junkyu’s hand underneath the table.

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