Chapter 20

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Even though Junkyu and Doyoung were never quite similar as per appearance, they had an unofficial ‘twins' like relationship that was completely based on their similar characteristics and surprisingly similar luck. Because, while Junkyu had an unexpected guest last midnight, Doyoung had one too, only difference was in the time of occurrence- as Doyoung met him in broad daylight.

After finishing school, Doyoung’s routine was to freshen up, eat something accompanied with watermelon juice (obviously included recently after *that discovery*) and decide whether to visit Junkyu or not. Some days, when he had lots of studying to do, he'd stay home and study, but that barely happened because Doyoung didn’t study that much; so basically, he spent almost everyday visiting his brother and mother. But after Yedam came, he started to skip visiting the other house of his. He didn’t know why, he just liked staying in Yedam’s room, watching him working on music, having snacks with him and simply listening to him talk. Some days, he just wanted to be with Yedam.

That day was one of the days he preferred Yedam’s company over visiting his brother. He left his room after taking a shower in order to knock on a door that welcomed him so dearly. But before he could, his eyes met with a known figure downstairs, talking with his butler. Curiosity kept him still at place as he tried to read what his lips were saying, but he got caught. Soon, the unwanted guest noticed him and waved at him, smiling widely.

“Kim Doyoung, hi!” he spoke aloud. Doyoung didn’t like it a bit. He didn’t intend wasting his afternoon talking to the uninvited Watanabe Haruto.

But he was a polite kid. So, he smiled back, bowing. Jaehyuk looked back at him and gestured him to go downstairs. Sighing, Doyoung did so.

“Doyoung nim, Mr. Watanabe wants to have a little talk with you.” Jaehyuk said and gave Doyoung space. Haruto extended his hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you again, Mr. Kim.”

Doyoung reluctantly shook his hand and proceeded to sit on the sofa placed face to face. His mind darted back to what Haruto did with Jeongwoo. And he started to burn in anger on the inside.

“Do you have any important thing to talk about? You didn’t even make an appointment; so I guess it’s really urgent?” Doyoung was being formal. The last thing he wanted that moment was to be friendly with Haruto.

“Don’t worry about it.” Haruto smiled, “I have simply come to have informal chitchats with you.”

Doyoung felt annoyed. But he still had that polite boy face on him. He looked around and to his delight, a maid arrived with snacks and tea to offer to Haruto.

Doyoung didn’t even ask Haruto to have them as he wanted to show how annoyed he actually was seeing the taller boy in front of him, but Haruto was deliberately oblivious. So, he kept the huge grin on his face intact.

“How are you doing these days??” Haruto started soon. He already leaned back on the sofa, putting one of his legs on the other. His hands were resting on top of the sofa, a bit above his head on both sides. Doyoung watched him in disbelief. His suit wasn’t buttoned, so they spread around, revealing his clean white shirt, with slight creases.

“I'm doing okay.” Doyoung shortly replied, didn’t even say ‘how about you’.

“Hmm, I see.” Haruto nodded, “You seem to be a homebody, no? As you aren’t even going out in this fine afternoon.”

“I feel like staying home at this moment”, Doyoung defended. Haruto sat straight at that.

“Then I'll assume you don’t have anyone in your life, what do you say?” Haruto leaned forward, his legs were slightly parted. He put his elbow on both of his thighs while staring directly at Doyoung’s eyes with a fierce yet cold look. Doyoung felt uncomfortable under that gaze.

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