Chapter Nineteen: Talk

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Elijah Kamski sat beside his comatose brother gavin while reading his book as chole came in.

"Chole? I thought I told you to go home already?" He asked.

"Well.. I couldn't exactly just leave you here Elijah." Chole smiled.

"What on earth I'm i going to do without my best friend Deviant?" Elijah smile.

"You'd Died" Chole joked making Elijah laugh.

"Damn now your picking up sense of humour from gavin." He smiled.

"Anyway Elijah You have a phone call." Chole hand the phone to elijah as he thank her.

"Hello?" Elijah answered.


"Lucas?" Elijah answer in confusion.

"Didn't expect you to call me." Elijah chuckle.

"What can i do for you." Elijah asked.

Lucas stood by his window in his room at the hotel while talking to Elijah but didn't know someone was listening by his door.

"I want you to find someone and information." Lucas request.

"Of course anything tell me the name." Elijah replied from the other side of the phone.

"Allouis Lucian Wolf."


Helen sat at one of the couch in the living room of the hotel where the agents and Lucas stays.

She was reading an Avengers Assemble comic made by the MCU while humming the chorus of the song Safe and sound.

Elika approach helen.

"Whoa! didn't know you were into avengers!" Elika smiles as she sits beside helen.

"Well.. It just brings some old memories from childhood." Helen smiled.

"It looks old though, planing on buying a new one?" Elika asked.

"No. Not exactly, I've been reading this comic for a long time over and over i practically memorize this already." Helen replied without looking up.

"Why not buy?" Elika asked.

"Because a special friend of mine gave it to me, these Characters allows me to keep memories alive." Helen replied.

"Oh who's your favourite character? I absolutely love Loki!" Elika smiles.

"Hehe.. I actually love.. Everyone." Helen smiled as she looks at everyone character in her page.

"Oh yes! Finally found another fan haha!" Elika cheers.

Gilver just rolled his eyes as he watch his sister and helen from the kitchen.

"Children." He whispered to himself.

              * ____--____--_____*

Lia sat quietly at the roof as she  text Don.

Lia:  We found out about project delta and the crow.

Lia:  We don't know what's happening now but we now know their identity it's.. Complicated..

Don:  Your bother by it aren't you..?

Lia:  How..can i not be bothered? I didn't knew.. I thought.. I thought my.. Don i don't know what to do..

Don:  Continue your mission and I'll continue mine. I'll figure out what i can do here. Promise you'll take care Lia something is coming and you know it.

Don:  and don't forget to watch each others back

Lia:  Yeah i know.. Take care as well bro.. Love u

Don:  Love u and helen more sis.

Lia place her phone on her pocket as she felt someone coming up from behind.

"I'm not interrupting I'm I?" August asked.

"Oh no, of course not, i was just talking with my brother." Lia replied.

"You didn't tell him what we found out right? This is a classified case." August ask.

"Of course not, I'm not an idiot, i don't tell a civilian a classified mission even though it's my brother." Lia replied to August who sat beside her.

"Are you alright?" August asked.

"Of course. Why wouldn't i be?" Lia replied back.

"Well after everyone finish the meeting you suddenly left. Helen didn't even go after you." August asked.

"Oh cause i asked her not to and Don was texting a lot." Lia chuckled.

"You didn't answer my question." August said.

"Your not leaving aren't you?" Lia asked.

"Nope." August smirk.

Lia sigh and looked away from him.

"Talking.. About children like that makes me feel uneasy.." Lia said.

August didn't say anything as he continued to listen.

"It remains me of my son." Lia clears making August choke on air.

"Your a mother!?" August asked in shock.

"Haha.. Yeah i am.. I.. Was.." Lia smile drop.

"Something happened.. I had to make a decision.. But the consequences of my actions was losing my son.. I lost him five years ago..he should probably be seven or six by now" She smiled.

"I'm sorry." August say.

"Don't be. I made the choice that change my life." Lia smile.

August was going to say some more but was interrupt by Andrea.

"Sorry for interrupting the chit-chat guys but we need to get back to work." Andrea smiled gently and walked back in.

"Well your heard Diamante don't exactly want to ruined her mood" lia joked.

"You good to go?" August asks as he followed her towards the door.

Lia continued walking towards the door and replied without looking back.

"Let's ge back to work."

Next Chapter...

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