The Origin Of rA9: Part Two

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Author's Note...

Ok I decided to make a part two of The Origin Of rA9. It will be much easier to explain in the main story anyway.

[ And yes her Origin connects to the main story And the game ]

Hope you enjoy!

Yours truly- Author.
September 9, 2042
    8:32 a.m

Kamski Household.

Elijah is sitting in his office. Allot of papers and documents all about CyberLife and his previous mentor's family is all around his desk.

Chloe came in with coffee in her hands. "You're coffee Elijah."

"Thank you Chloe." Elijah said as he takes the coffee and drinks it.

His phone suddenly ring and he looked down expecting Connor or Hank or Gavin.

He looked at the ID number.

[ Incoming call... ]
       [ Nora ]

He smirked and press answer button.

"Well, well it's been so long since I last hear from you rA9. The last time we talked and meet was four years ago." Elijah said.

"Well it's been so long I haven't seen your unsetaling face Elijah." Nora said in the other side of the line.

" think I'm unsetaling? because I can't tell if you're being sarcastic." Elijah asked in confusion.

"Hahaha! It was a joke Kamski. And I thought you of all people who'll get it."Nora laughed.

"Very funny, so how are you and Agent Page doing? You never actually explained why you need a place to stay in Novi." Elijah said as he continue to read documents.

"We a found leads to where Alessa is. Our last link lead us to Novi witch was two days ago. How is your research going about Amanda?" Nora asked.

"Well... Liuetenant Anderson and his son and miss Wolf and Gav came here the other day... And he knows about Barbara Harris..." Elijah sighed.

There was a pause on the other side of the line.

"How did the Liuetenant take it...?" Nora asked.

"Hard to tell. That man can hide his emotions well...I mean he is a detective.." Elijah said.

"There's nothing we could do he deserves the truth about the woman he marry... it's as well hard to tell if she was playing with him.." Nora said.

"True...but like Alessa she probably want to leave the darkness of her parents." Elijah claimed.

"Hey Elijah? I wanted to thank you for giving us a damn hotel in Novi even tho we ask for a apartment. But what that hell's is your catch?" Nora asked.

"Simple Nora. Find Alessa. And let's probably hang out when this is all over..." Elijah said as he smiled.

"Sure. If I come home Alive haha!" Nora joked.

"Seriously? you saved my life and we both created the rA9 virus and face the Android revolution and you just a finding a missing person and you'll die? Wow I expect more from you." Kamski chuckle.

"You never know." She replied as she laughed.

"Hmmm you are really different from all Deviants are you?" Kamski chuckle.

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