Chapter Five: Before The Storm

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Author's Note

Ok first this is Connor and Hank and Elizabeth campaign.

Next will be other characters.
We saw the New Characters Elika and Gliver Sebastian point of view of this day.

Now this is what's happening in Detroit the whole day in Connor and Hank point of view.

Next will be a different characters side story of this day. And they all connect.

I kinda Finnish this chapter last month but I read it. It was not so great. Sure I can put it in one chapter but it's much long and confusing.

So I decided to half them into different Chapter.

So enjoy.

Yours truly - Author.
September 6, 2042, 12:59am

Detroit City. Anderson Household

Lucas opens his eyes as the bright sun enters the room.

Lucas sat up to find himself in confusion as he woke up not at his own bed and room but to find himself in his big brother's room.

He was not sure of what has happened yesterday the only thing he had remembered that he was on the precinct while Joel was on his break. Then someone else attacked him... And he black out...

That's when Lucas head started to hurt as he remembers everything that has happened yesterday and voices and flashes came to his vision.

"Lucas! put the gun down! Please! Don't do something that you can't undo!"

"Lucas! Stop it! this isn't you! You have to remember who you are!"

"Any coldhearted fool with a gun can pull the trigger but, it takes someone actually Worthy of a heart to put the gun down"

"We Are Alive.."

Lucas looked down at his band aided wounds and started to cry as guilt and feeling ashamed wash over his chest...

"What have I done..." Lucas said

Then suddenly Lucas stand up as a vision or Corrupted memories suddenly enter his program.

"#%#№* is William Stern #*%•= wife Amanda √•%× And their %^√*# Alessa Rose Stern." A man said.

Lucas became confused since he doesn't know any of them except Amanda at least....

Then a memory cought his attention.

"*#%^°✓ this is important...if you ever find Nora or need to bring her to me..." Alessa said as she stood right in front of his vision in a snowy night.

"I promise...Alessa but if I find her...where do I find you?" He asked to Alessa.

She chuckle "you are a smart kid... if you want to find someone you find them no matter what...let me give you a hint..." Alessa said as he watched her enter her car and starting it.

"Yeah? Where?" He asked.

She looked back at him and smiled.

"Novi..." She said.

The memory cuts...

Lucas looked down and out his brother's window.


Connor woke up in the guest room where he slept with his mother.

Yesterday was a tragedy allot of Androids have been infected with an unknown virus that makes Androids attack everyone they see then it went all over the news and humans as always think Androids are a huge threat.

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