Chapter Seventeen: Next Move

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September 20, 2042
11:30 p.m

Novi Park

Helen was in Novi Park sitting in the bench while watching the moon light.

It's wired because since two days ago where they have been hanging out making slumber party's and it's really weird...

There was no trouble anywhere..

And she jinks it...

Helen suddenly felt a gun pointing at the back of her head as slowly rise her hands.

"Where is the files..I know you stole the files of project Delta.." A man's voice said.

"My Master wants it back.." He continues.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about but I suggest that it's a bad idea pointing that gun on my damn head." Helen answered roughly then realized she forgot to show The Agents And Lucas what they have found...

And if her night couldn't get any worse she realized that the USB was inside her pocket right now.

"Damn it.." She swear.

"Damn it indeed if you don't give me my desire.." The man said once more.

"You should choose your next words carefully." Helen warned as she slowly slipped a small but dangerously sharp blade from her wrist bracelet.

"And why should I listen to you?" The man chuckled.

"Because you don't want to see my Next Move!" Helen growled as she attacked her opponent.

Helen swiftly turns back and jumped over the bench and grabbed the gun out of her attacker's hand and toss it far and pins him down on the ground with her leg on his chest and her blade directly to her attacker's neck.

And in Helen surprised it was one of the infected Deviants that went missing.. a WR600..

His led was deeply red so was his eyes which Helen got confuse.

Was this some new stage or something.

"GIVE IT TO MEEEE!" The Rogue Deviant screams but could not move with Helens good grip.

"Who send you?" Helen asked Frimley.

"I will never tell you.." He hissed.

"Don't make this hard for you..." She said.

Suddenly his eyes turn normal and his led turns yellow.

"We.. must go...YOU MUST GO! HIS HERE YOU MUST HIDE!" turns around immediately and grabs Helen's arm and toss her by next garage cans.

"Don't let him get it... Ru don't like it.. he hurts Ru and friends.. Don't let him get.. it you must find truth and help Ru friends.." The Deviant begs.

"Your name is ru? What happened to your head and who's he?" Helen asked.

"Shhhhh! don't come out! don't come out! when his gone run.." Ru said as he gots up and went far not until a car pulls up in front of him.

"Shit.." Helen swears as she recognized the mask the man was wearing as he steps out of the car and was surrounded by guards.

"The white demon.." Helen muttered as she stood frozen.

"Did you get it Ru?" his voice was deep, deadly and rough.

"No.. no.. Ru don't have it.. no.. didn't find..her.. them.. it.." He answered shakily and in fear.

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