Chapter Twenty: Father's Day

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Well feeling bad for not writing again... Anyway this just a special chapter for fathers day it not exactly related to the plot since the story starts on September 1st 2042 a month after Connor's birthday.

And father's day well on July.

So let's make this a special chapter. Non plot related.

And also i kinda miss writing about the kids.

And yeah i am tiny bit late for father's day but oh well.



Yu was laying on his stomach on the carpet of the living room drawing while Elizabeth was on the backyard watering the plants.

Kiro was bored to death flipping Channels on the TV while lev was on the dinner table on doing his homework.

Then suddenly it pop in kiro's head on what's tomorrow.

"Hey yu!" he jumped on top of his brother and yu just let out a grunt.

"What!!?" Yu asked annoyingly.

"Remember what's tomorrow?" Kiro asked.

"The twentieth of July?" Yu answer.

"Nooo the occasion!" Kiro asked again.

"Hmmm i don't know.." Yu replied embarrassed.

"It's father's day.." Kiro whispered.

Yu gasped and got up and ran towards lev.

"Levi! Levi!" Yu exclaimed as he tried getting his older brother's attention.

"It's Lev godd-" Lev cut himself off from swearing because knowing yu.. Is god damn cry baby.

"Yes yu??" Lev asked as he looks as his books while writing with his pencil.

"Tomorrow is father's day! We have to make something for daddy to make him happy." Yu whispered cheerfully.

Lev expression on the other hand was a really annoyed and piss expression.

"Oh really.." He muttered as he snaps his pencil with one hand.

"You okay Levi?" Kiro asked with a teasing tone while smiling.

"Fine just fine... What do you guys in plan?" Levi asked as he cleans up his mess.

"We could go to the store next block!" Yu suggested.

"Or bake a cake!" Kiro suggested.

"Or how about we just greet him." Lev suggested uninterested.

"Nah to plain! Make cards?" Kiro suggested.

Lev sigh then comes up with a plan.

"Why am I even doing this..." Lev thought.

"Okay how about this.. Plan A. We make a cake. Plan B. We can buy him a gift in the store one block away from here. And if all fails we'll just have to make cards." Lev suggested.

Kiro and yu Smiles and cheers.

Ash the cat just blinks at the sudden noise and ignores his humans and sleeps on the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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