Important Discussion ( Author's Note )

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Hello everyone Elea-R here! I wanted to thank all of the people who read and support 'The Untold Truth' especially my friends.

Ok here is my discussion with you all. I am having trouble with writing and drawing because I have an Writer's block and Art Block. I have no inspection lately. Please don't worry because there's no way I'm leaving this story just yet. I have more plan to the plot just need some time.

I am not sure if I'll be posting this month on April because my mother and my uncle and his family has volunteered to help the people and family especially who has younger children who couldn't afford any food because of the Corona Virus. my states Malls and stores is running out of stock because of everyone panic buying.

And many people here has their jobs suspended because of the outbreak so many of them has no money to buy food or when they buy food nothing would be left.

So as my family goes on volunteer for a week or two. my siblings and I are babysitting our little niece and youngest sister..who is very such a brat.. but as an older sister, me and my second oldest sister and second youngest sister will look after them while trying to do chores and to at least try to study...

( It's harder than it looks when you're doing self study for seven years and dropping out of grade school. for God sake! I have such a low IQ because I have memory problem not serious don't worry. So it's hard to catch up with the All the time that was waste.. )

( But who knows if I my parents get their paper fix me and my sisters might go to school again. Maybe this year or next.. not sure anymore can't even remember what school feels like???? But sure want to go where there's club because want to join a VOLLEYBALL team! Can't wait for the Olympics this year hopefully it won't be cancel too. )

So I for one is going to be pretty busy this month and as soon my writer's block is no longer a block I shall write like my heart content. I hope you understand and understand I shall not abounded this story.

Again I might not be available all the time now but please don't fall because I did. Continue what makes you happy! If anything comes up I will sure to be there.

Until we meet again! And take care of yourself and your family!

Yours truly..

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