Chapter Sixteen: Enjoying Little Moments 2

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Song: Through The Walls

Singers: Script

Hotel De Luna

It was nearly evening Lucas and Nora was play chess because they were bored.

they have been waiting for an update the whole day from at least August or Helen but nothing came, so the two agreed on playing all the bored games they have while eating what appears to be hot cheetos.

Lucas smiled as he looks at Nora.

"Checkmate." Lucas said.

"You always win." Nora smiles back as the two shakes hands.

"Good Game Lady Nora."

"Good Game to you Lord Lucas."

They were going to start a new game when the door threw open revealing.

Lillian Anderson in a very Expensive Clothes and Shades and make up and shoes and a freaking expensive gucci brand bag. it even looks like she went to a fancy salon.

A exhausted Agent August Page carrying shopping bags.

"Uh? August what you got there..?"Nora asked while Lucas tilted his head at the side.

"Never... I mean never take this girl out! she finish all my damn money and bought so much stuff with my credit card! " August shouted as he sat on the couch.

"You said you'll pay. "Lia said

"You said it was an emergency!"
August argues.

"Duh? A fashion Emergency." Lia said With a smug, while Nora and Lucas were laughing.

Helen and her team Enter the room covered in dust and their hair was a mess.

the team was going to inform them on what they have found but got distracted as the saw August and Lia.

Both Lia and Helen looked at each other.

"What Happened to you!?" Both question each other.

"You looked like you came out of the vents. " Lia chuckled as she looked at Elika and Gilver.

"We did." Both siblings replied.

"And You looked like you were attacked by bears and you look like you just came out from a fashion show." Helen pointed August and Lia.

"Tell me about it!" both answer but Lia answer looking happily while August looked annoyed.

Lucas and Nora laughed even more as they fell on the ground because they were laughing too hard.

"My System can't keep up with you! Hahaha! Lucas muttered between his laughter.

"You guys have been through A lot, I have an idea Let's go to the pool on the roof to relax!" Nora suggested.

"Pass I want to play chess and I'm dragging the champion here." Andrea said as she points at Lucas.

"Challenge Accepted." Lucas smirked as the both of them went on the table leaving the others.

"You know what as your partner I totally agree with you." August said as he stood up.

August and Nora just stare in silence before starts racing towards the door.

"LAST ONE TO THE ROOF GETS FIFTEEN BUCKS!" August voice was heard as he challenged Nora and both Agents dissappear out of sight.

"Children." Helen Muttered as Everyone got up and head towards the roof.

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