Chapter Nine: Perfect Night

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Song: Perfect
Singer: Ed Sheeran and Beyonce

[I'll leave a note on witch part you may play the song.]

September 10, 2042

Detroit City
The Anderson Household

It's a very sunny morning in the Anderson Household. However it's quite..

Unlike before sunny bright mornings are suppose to be fun..

At this time his mom will come to visit and was suppose to be cooking breakfast at the kitchen with hank and this time was the time where Lucas would annoy him to death until he gets out of bed.

But now.. Connor Anderson lay  on his bed while looking up at the ceiling. Listening to the soft clock ticking as the morning sunny sun enters through the window.

It's been a day since he's accident with Gavin up to now he's still in very deep guilt.

Hank went back to the precinct to continue his investigation of the D-Virus outbreak.

Elizabeth is at her work in the hospital as she help the people who was a victim of the D-Virus.

So Connor is alone at home... Ruby and Ash is at the living room sleeping on their beds.

Connor was about to get out of bed as he heard a soft knock on his bedroom door.

"Who's there?" Connor ask as he looked at his door curiously.

The door open as his beloved enters carrying a trey with delicious breakfast.

"Breakfast in bed my king." skye said with a warm smile on her face.

Connor looked at her with a surprising look and chuckle.

"Skye... When did you even get here?"

She laughed as she set the trey on the bed beside her beloved King and leaving a kiss on his forehead.

"Your mom let me in before leaving, and plus if you would pay more close attention you would have heard me entering half an hour ago." skye explain.

"Oh.." Connor exclaimed as he looked down.

"Don't worry about it! At least I got more time to cook you breakfast!" skye said in excitement.

"My Queen... You didn't have too.." Connor said as he held her hand.

"MY king, let me be your future wife and do this.." Skye said

"you are my wife" Connor reply with a soft chuckle.

"No, I'm your Girlfriend."

"the best one." Connor said.

"Stop distracting me!"

skye rise the fork with pancake and started to feed him.

"I can do it you know." Connor said.

"I know" skye said as she ignored he's question.

Connor was going to say something more but was Cut off by skye shoving the food in his mouth.

"And your highness, I don't want to hear any complaints." skye said while fixing his hair.

Connor absolutely didn't say anything as he fears his queen might burst out. And Connor will admit skye can be scary.

"Do you have plans today?" Skye asked.

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