Chapter Fifteen: Enjoying Little Moments

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Novi City
Hotel De Luna

Nora has been awake for hours but hasn't gotten up, she still thinks about the incident back at the research lab three days ago and how close they we're from dying... Again..

Nora had realized that everyone they come across they always knew her like when lucas was infected he knew her... And then the Crow he knew her as well...

But the most she have recently notice that...

She's always been defeated...

"Me rA9? Most dangerous weapon CyberLife has made is being defeated by a tiny assassin?" Nora asked herself as she stares at the ceiling.

"Have I been slacking off? Have I become weak? Is something wrong with me..?" Nora thought was cut off by a knock on her door.

"Nora may I come in..?"

Nora sat up and answered.

"Yeah! Yeah! Come in Lucas!"

Lucas opened the door and Smile has he entered holding two mugs of coffee.

"Oh? What's this?" Nora asked.

"Uh.. Well I have noticed that you haven't come out yet... So I decided to make coffee.." Lucas said as he placed the mug on the side table.

"And August said to check up on you before he left to go to meet up with Helen to continue the investigation..." Lucas said as he sits in the dressing table.

"Well that's very kind of the both of you. Thank you. " Nora smile as she drinks her coffee.

"No problem..." Lucas smiles back as he looks down.

"I'm feeling that you have more questions here." Nora asked.

"Well... I notice that you were much silent after the incident.. Did I do something wrong?" Lucas asked as he looks up at her.

Nora nearly choke on her drink.

"What!? No! No... You did nothing wrong Lucas, sorry I made you feel that way." Nora apologize as she placed her empty mug back at her side table.

"Then what's bothers you?" Lucas asked.

Nora stares at him and realized that Lucas is not leaving without an answer.

"Your not leaving without answers are you." Nora smile as she sit at the edge of her bed.

Lucas replied with a small smile while shaking his head.

"Have I gotten weak Lucas?" Nora asked as she stares outside her window.

"No, Of course not, Why would you think such thing?" Lucas asked in confusion and shock.

Nora just nodded.

"Have you ever feel those feelings when you're suppose to be the strongest but turns to be the weakess?" Nora asked as she looks out her huge window.

"Yeah... I have." Lucas reply as he stares outside the window with Nora.

"Ever since I became a Deviant I always thought I was so strong but then I realized I have a long way to go." Lucas smiles as he continues.

"Until now.. especially I hurt my family.. I feel so weak that I have Nothing else to feel but run.." Lucas said as continues to stare at the bright morning light.

Nora sat there as she listened to Lucas.

"But now I met you and August I feel.. like I'm starting to build up my courage again slowly of course.. just seeing you and August willing to jump to save me I feel braver." Lucas said as he got up and grabbed his and Nora's empty mug and head to towards the door.

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