Chapter Fourteen: What Family Means

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Detroit City Orphanage

"Meet your new parents! Connor Anderson and Skye Smith!"

The three children had the same reaction.


Skye and connor smile and bend down to their level.

"You don't have to pack many stuff more. Just the most important things, then we'll be in our new home." Connor said as he put his hand on kiro shoulders.

"Child support will come every week to see how we are doing! And we promise to be the best mom and dad we can be!" Skye said as she carried yuu.

Yuu seems to be a little worried but excited at the same time.

Kiro and lev looked serious as they try to think of what is going on.

"You? You want to adopt us? You just met us!" Kiro said.

"I don't Really see the whole point of this." Lev said acting his usual self.

"Children go pack your belongings and meet us here." The nun order.

Yuu ran happily through the halls while lev and kiro left to pack their stuff.

"Do you think their after something?" Kiro asked.

"Obviously. They won't take us in just like that." Lev siad as he pack.

"Well then." Kiro said as he walk to lev.

"We need to keep a close eye on them especially yuu is with us." Kiro said.

"Oh kiro don't worry if we see anything suspicious then we'll ran away and tell the police or something." Lev said with a smile.

"I don't get how your always so calm." kiro said as he continues to pack.

"Because I will make sure they won't try anything reckless..." Lev thought to himself as he exit the room.

Skye and Connor is standing outside of the gate.

"Are you sure your okay with this?" Skye asked.

"Skye if you think this is right then i trust you. Plus.. It would be great to take care of our own kids." Connor said as he kiss her forehead.

Then they spotted the kids coming.

Yuu ran happily on skye's arms.

"Are we going to call you mommy and daddy?" Yuu asked happily.

"Yes, you are our sons for now on and we are your parents okay." skye said as she hug him tightly.

"And you'll have amazing grandparents back at home!" Connor said as he place his hands on kiro and Lev's shoulder.

Lev just rolled his eyes.

"Grandparents?" Kiro asked as he smiles.

"Yes, call them mama and papa, what do you think Lev?" Connor asked as lev didn't say anything but shrug.

The children hop into car with their new parents.

They Arrive at the Anderson household.

When the kids enter Ruby came running and jumped on Lev.

"Wah! A Dog!?" lev shouted as Ruby growled at him.

"Ruby! Down!" Connor order.

Ruby hops off and looked at lev and growled and let's out a loud bark before running towards the backyard.

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