Chapter one: New Partners

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September 3. 2042. 9:00am

Anderson Household.

It was a nice summer day in Detroit City. Hank was already awake and preparing Breakfast. And now Androids is able to eat because of the New upgrades of New Jericho. Hank is preparing a huge meal for him and his sons.

Ruby then walked up to Hank as she shake her tail back and forth.
Hank notice her and bend down to pet the dog.

"Oh god! sorry about that girl. I kinda forgot you haven't eaten yet." Hank chuckle

After Hank fed Ruby he was about to go back to the kitchen but knock on the door stopped him from doing it so.

Ruby looked up and bark happily. The white fluffy cat Ash was awoken too and got up from the couch and ran after the hound dog Ruby too.

"Who on Earth could that be?" Hank said as he get to grab the door. As he opened the door he was happy and surprise.

" Libby?!" Hank said in surprise

"I thought you have work today what the hell are you doing here?" Hank Said happily at the same time. They both hugged.

"Well I took a day off I wanted to see how you boys are doing." Elizabeth said with a happy smile.

"Oh and I brought some home made Mexican food. I figured that Androids can eat now I thought maybe Connor and Lucas would like some." Elizabeth put it down in the kitchen table. As she looked around the house.

"Where those two anyway?" She asked as she turned to hank.

"Don't worry they'll be here" hank said with a smirk on his face.

Upstairs Connor was still in rest mode but to be awoken by a splash of cold water.

"Ugh! what the hell Da-" as he thought Hank was the one who splash him off he was surprise and really annoy by who he saw.

"Hahahaha! Good morning Big Brother!" Lucas said while laughing out loud.

"Lucas!" Connor said Angrily as he chased his brother down stairs as he was trying get him another cold water bucket splash all over him.

"Whoops! Sorry!" Lucas said well running for his life. Connor got more annoyed" Why so mad big brother? you told me to wake you up! You never said how haha" Lucas said.

"LUCAS YOU LITTLE-" Connor screamed as he try to take his  now annoying little brother down.

As Connor and Lucas came across the leaving room Lucas spotted Ruby and smirked.

"RUBY ATTACK!" Lucas ordered.

As Connor saw Ruby coming he didn't had a chance to react. Ruby then jumped at Connor knocking of the poor Deviant.

"LUCAS!" Connor screamed.

"Sorry big brother but you give me no choice haha!" Lucas laugh.

Elizabeth and Hank came rushing to the leaving room to see both twins arguing again.

"Boys what happened this time.." Hank sighed.

"DAD, MOM! LUCAS DID IT AGAIN!" Connor screamed like a little child.

"DAD, ELIZABETH! CONNOR IS OVERREACTING AGAIN!" Lucas screamed back well smiling.

"For fuck sake! Just go eat your breakfast and we still have Duty's to attend to." Hank said well looking annoyed.

"Fine!" Both brothers said as they keep arguing and whispering as they head to the dining table to eat.

"And you ask how were doing..."
Hank said as looked at Elizabeth.

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