Chapter Three: The Meeting

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A memory played in his head...

"Are you Afraid to die Connor?"

The sounds of the truck's break being push hard but the only sounds it made is a huge Crash and glass breaking.




Lucas gasped as he woke up shaking and sweating and breathing heavily. the wet cloth that was on his head fell on his knees.

Elizabeth then enter the Lucas room as she heard the noise.

"Lucas?" Elizabeth called out as she head towards Lucas bed and found him sitting and... crying..

"Oh...Lucas..." Elizabeth said as she sat down beside him and starts rubbing his back as she tries to clam her second youngest son.

"Lucas... what's wrong...? Did... did you have a nightmare?" Elizabeth asked as she looked worried about her son but tries to hide it.

Lucas then started crying more and shake his head no.

"I...I... don't know why...but...I have a horrible dream that I can't remember...I thought it was real..." Lucas said as he started sobbing.

"Shhhh... it's ok Lucas.. it's ok, it's not real I'm here.." Elizabeth said as she pulled Lucas in a comforting hug.

"Whe...where's Dad and Connor..." Lucas asked as he hear no other people in the house but him and Elizabeth.

"There... not here yet Lucas... But they will come home soon Alright...?" Elizabeth hugged Lucas like a mother protective hugging her son.

"I... want them home..."Lucas said as he hugged his Adoptive Mother tight.

"They'll come home..." Elizabeth said as she hugged Lucas tighter.
Then Elizabeth said it one more time as she herself have a bad feeling...

"They'll come home..."

As Connor heard his name being called he closed his eyes to prepare for whatever going to happen to him...

Then all the sudden he felt himself falling forward as he feels someone jumped at him and both him and someone being push to the other side of the highway.

They both landed roughly on their sides Connor hits the side of his face and got a minor cut at his forehead.

The sounds of breaking glass was the sounds of the truck crashing in the other side of the road. But the driver mange to leap off before the truck crash.

The cars in the highway stopped as the police blocked their paths.

Lia and Helen got up and ran towards Connor.

"Connor!?" Hank called as he saw Connor being push out of danger. Him and Captain Fowler as well ran towards the Deviant.

Connor was getting up but he felt someone helping him to stand up.

"Are you alright kid?" An unfamiliar voice asked Connor.

Connor looked up at his savior. it was man in his early 30's dark brown hair and eyes pale skin and wearing a business suit that was now all dirty as they both hit the ground his bang fells to his face from the impact.

"Yeah...are you?" Connor asked the man.

The man chuckle then answer "you do realize that you were the one almost hit by a truck right? And your worried about me?"

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