Chapter two: The Chase

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September 5, 2042, 3:25 pm

New Jericho Tower

It was a quiet and peaceful day. Every Deviant in the tower are doing their duty's. the four leaders of New Jericho are doing their things too. Josh has taken over skye's Department and Simon has taken the liberty of Head Technician Of the tower since Lucas is now working outside of New Jericho.

Leo Menfred is in the main office helping his brother and sister in law babysit their twins.

"Are sure you're having trouble with your own twins because they are an Angels." Leo said as he carries his months old nephew and put his months old niece on the crib.

"What did you name them?" Leo asked while smiling.

"We named our little princess Carlyle Stella Menfred." North said

"We named her after Carl... And we wanted to make her name after a star... And I remember Carl taking about Stella Polaris." Markus stated.

"And for our little prince
Mark Nova Menfred his the oldest of the two." North said.

Leo chuckle "let me guess Mark stands for you my brother and Nova means New Life."

"Yeah Nova a form of a star exploding and turning in to more stars and creating a new life" Markus said as he hold his son in his arms.

"You guys really like stars do ya?" Leo said.

"I guess" Markus said.

"Their Finally asleep I will put them both in our room for awhile" North said.

"And I'll look after them while you two love birds catch up" Leo smirked as he exited the office with his niece and nephew in their stroller.

"Haha very funny brother" Markus answered back

Markus then looked outside the huge window with North in his arms.

"I love our family..." North said as she listens to his heart beat.

"And I love our family especially you as my wife..." Markus said as he kissed her forehead.

Another Deviant enter the  office in a rush.

"Markus! Simon needs you in the repair bay now!" The Deviant said as he looked at the Deviant leader.

Markus and North turned their heads and said.

"What's Going on?"
Riverside Park

As she ended her shift as a daycare teacher she's now sitting at the bench in front of the river and bridge.

As she removed her bun hair and let her hazel hair down as she watched the clouds pass by.

As she was about to leave suddenly darkness covered her vision. She was shock at first but then she heard a familiar voice.

"Guess who?" A voice of a man said.

She then laughed to realize who it was.

She hold the thing that was covering her vision and it was hands covering her vision.

"Let me guess my knight and shining armor" she said

As he removed his hands from her eyes and kneel down and kissed her hand.

"No. It's your king" the man said as he got up.

"Hello my queen Skye" he said as he placed a blue flower crown on her head.

"My king Connor" she said as Connor let her stand up and twirls her like a princess.

"I have missed you so much" Connor said as they putted their foreheads together.

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