Chapter Thirteeth: A Whole New Direction

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A/N. I have putted safe and sound once again but this time the whole song will be played.

I'll be leaving a A/N on which part you guys may play.

Well if you want to of course it's your choice if your a music reader kinda person.

I only read and listen if i get into the mood. It really depends on the person.

So hope you enjoy!

Song: Safe and sound

Singer: Taylor Swift

Hunger Games soundtrack

September 15, 2042
3:04 p.m

Anderson Household


Skye looked in shock and terrified.

"Lev... Your The Crow..." Skye said as she looks at the boy who is pointing a syringe on her neck.

"Of course i am." Lev smile and let's go of skye arm and back away.

"Was it not obvious?" Lev said as he removes the syringe from her neck.

Skye let's out a sigh of relief.

"Have a seat, I found your juice box by the way." Lev said as he sips his juice box.

Skye nod as she slowly seats on the couch in front of Lev.

"How did you get in..?" Skye asked.

"How did you get in?" Lev asked as he adjust his glasses.

"Why show yourself..? And.. Why do you have something like that..?" Skye asked as she points at the syringe.

"To threaten you, what else?" Lev grin.

"Does Kiro and Yu know that-..?"

"Of course Not why on earth would i tell them?" Lev cuts her out.

"Why do this...?" Skye asked.

"Ugh, do you Andersons always ask so much questions? Or it's just you?" Lev said while rolling his eyes.

"Why are you here?" Skye asked but she seems to be more calm than earlier.

"So you would stop hunting for me. You're just putting yourself and your family and my friends in danger." Lev said coldly.

"I want to help you..." Skye said as she still tries to reach out.

"Help me? Weren't you listening? You're just putting everyone on danger. You can't help me. I have chosen this path." Lev said as he crossed his arms.

"Your still a child..."Skye whisper.

"But i have a mind of an adult. I have perfect memories ever since i was a baby so I understand life very perfectly." Lev said as he watched skye's reaction.

"Ever heard of infantile amnesia?" Lev asked as he sits back.

"infantile Amnesia? But.. That is the inability of adults to retrieve episodic memories.." Skye said as she looks down.

"memories of situations or events..." Skye said as she looks at lev and continues about the information.

"before the age of two to four years, as well as the period before the age of ten of which adults retain fewer memories than might otherwise be expected given the passage of time." Skye explains.

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