Chapter Eighteen: The First Assassin

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Nora and Lucas enter the apartment and was shock to see Helen and the rest of the team

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Nora and Lucas enter the apartment and was shock to see Helen and the rest of the team.

"Oh, didn't expect you to pass by this late." Nora said in a welcoming tone.

But froze realizing that everyone in the room has a serious looks.

"What's wrong..?" Lucas asked in realization of the charge of calming air to tension.

August let out a tired sigh and got up from the couch and looks back at Helen.

"Care to finally explain guys, cause I'm goddamn tired of this bullshit." August sigh once again and tried to sip some coffee but Nora snatch it away from his hand.

August looks at her with an annoyed glare.

"You've been having too much of those." Nora said to August.

"We have found an important information that... We have forgotten to tell you.." Helen explains without looking up.

"An information about what?" Nora asked.

Helen sigh and move forward the coffee table and brought the USB  opens the file as a holographic screen appears.

Everyone else surrounded her in curiosity of what have been discovered except Helens team who knows project delta but curious what Project Delta really is.

"Project Delta." Helen said firmly.

"What the fuck is that?" August asked.

"Were not fully what exactly is project delta but we know project delta is the reason why the rA9 virus work." Helen said as they all slowly turned their heads towards Nora.

Nora looked shocked and confused.

"We're wondering if you know anything about project delta...Nora?" Helen explains.

"I've heard project delta from when I still serve under CyberLife... I think it's some kind of weapon to replace the rA9." Nora explained.

Helen looks at nora with no reaction or emotion then turned away and looked at the scene again.

"I see." Helen replied flatly.

"If this some kind of weapon should we worry about it?" Gilver asked.

"Sure..however this date was from 2009, this weapon might be around already. We might not even know it." Lia said looking uneasy.

"Oh there more folder about it!" Andrea pointed out.

Helen clicked on it and it drew everyone silent.

"Project delta is an... Assassin? A trained child Assassin?" Nora read.

"Like the Crow?" Elika asked.

"It seems like Delta was a failure and the crow was it's successor their using children as shields." Lucas explained with a shock look.

Helen and lia and andrea sat silently as the others read.

"Why children?" Elika asked.

"It's very simple, these are children who are known as the most innocent people in the world not to mention it's easy to make children believe in a lot of stuff making them easier to control." Andrea explains coldly.

Helen and lia silently listen with stoic expressions.

"Is.. that... Is that the identity of the Crow..?" Elika asked.

This got Helen and lia's attention.

"Who's Crow??" Lia asked.

"Lev.. Levi?" elika read.

Lia and helen eyes widen.

Nora noticed this.

"know the kid?" She ask Suspiciously.

"No.. We thought we heard the name before since he was from St. Chicago Orphanage." Helen claims.

Elika looks at helen suspiciously as well.

"I never where he was from.." She replied.

Lia point at the screen.

"Is says right there." She called.

"Oh! I guess we miss that haha" Gilver chuckle.

"Do the Cr- Lev  have any location?" August asked.

"Doesn't say anything." helen said as she scrolls down.

"Damn one step ahead." Nora said.

"What about Delta?" Lucas asked.

Helen click around and froze.

"Why do i have a feeling we're just going in circles here...?" Lia asked as she stares at the name.

"Lucian Wolf is Project Delta..?" Lucas was shock beyond.

"CyberLife is playing with us I..     I can't with this.. " August sigh.

"This is like Washington all over again.." August claims.

"What happened in Washington?" Andrea asked between nora and August.

"That's... Classified." Nora stated.

As they continue to talk Nora pulled lucas by the balcony.

"You seriously have to tell Connor about this.." Nora state.

"I know.. It's just.. I'm not sure how.. How I'm i supposed to tell him and Elizabeth that they have a long lost son and a brother who doesn't even know about. And making matters worse He a damn Assassin!" Lucas practically scream.

"Not to mention we don't know his whereabouts if his even alive." Lucas said as he leans towards the rails of the balcony.

Nora noticed August looking towards them then nodded on her direction.

She nods back and place a hand on Lucas back.

"Don't worry we'll figure something out. You can trust me." she smiled.

"Of course i can you won't lie me, that's why i came here. I trust you Nora." Lucas smiles at her.

Nora smiles hesitantly and nod.

" can trust me.."

Next Chapter...


So... Didn't update for at least two to three months and already guilty hehe my bad.

But i had to give you guys something! Anyway I'm now writing the next chapter so maybe who knows.. I'll post shortly.. ( hopefully.. )

Don't forget to stay tune and Stay bright!


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