Chapter Four: A Small World [Side Story]

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Author's Note.

Hello everyone I make another side story of another characters who still is a huge part of the main story.

But this chapter is the basically the beginning of the Connor's main story about his dark past.

But the characters here is important too. They will show up in Connor's story don't worry.

And these two new characters is inspired by my two others friends.


Michigan Novi

September 6, 2042, 12:54am

Novi University

The whole school was busy from all the events happening in Detroit scared of what going to happen they have sent all their students home and not the dorms for the meantime period.

A girl [ Name: Elika Sebastian ] age 20 with a short boy cut hair that's dark brown. And eyes that is lighter brown. Her skin is pale and wears a black sweater and a white button up shirt under. She wears black jeans. And a black bag.

And her younger step brother [ Name: Gliver Sebastian ] that is only a month younger that has black hair and dark brown eyes that looks like black, lighter tan. Wears a white T-shirt and a black hoodie jacket and black pants and wears glasses.

The siblings went to the bus as they head to their parents home since the school didn't allow them to stay in dorms.

"Ugh! Why on Earth is Deviants always having problems and the entire world gets involved! I have to meet up with the guys today!" Gliver said as he remove his glasses.

Elika looked at her stubborn brother and sighed. "Why on Earth do you always think wrong about Deviants?"

He looked back at his sister.

"It's not the Deviants I am having problem of. It's about Mom and Dad. Now that there is some Android outbreak they will both be obsessed with this stuff." Gliver said.

"At least they will not bother us when we arrive anymore." Elika said as she looked outside the bus.

"Yeah but they will always start disappearing again. Don't you think it's suspicious?" Gliver asked.

"Here we go again playing detectives." Elika said

"To be honest if it's some business I really don't care. Don't worry after the dorms reopen we will go back right away or find us a house of our own." Elika said.

Elika and Gliver was never that close to their parents since they grow up in their grandparents home and since their parents are more active to work until this day. Her parents are high class technicians in a company they have forgotten.

they did get to attend some business party when they were younger. Until this day their parents was very close to a rich family the 'Stern's'.

They did meet their daughter Alessa but only a few times since they don't visit often. They become good friends with Alessa
Not until 2015 the family randomly disappeared without any other words.

But they still suspect that their parents are still in contact. The only thing they were suspicious about is Everytime they heard something about Androids they will get up right away and call someone and ran out of the house in a hurry.

Elika has always think their parents are weird but didn't mind them at all. She enjoyed her quiet time with her brother.

As the bus stop they got off and started walking to the block of their town.

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