Chapter Ten: Hiders Of The Hide And Seek

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September 11, 2042

Somewhere in Novi City.
Elika and Gilver's Household

It was twelve in the afternoon when elika woke up.

"ugh what time is it?" She muttered to herself.

She grabbed her phone from her desk then when she noticed what time it was. she throw her phone at her bed and ran off towards her brother's room.

"GIL!!!!" elika shouted as she pull her brother off the bed.

"What the hell do you want????"
He replied as he put the blanket over he's head.

"Get up where late! Our boss is no joke! So get the hell up! Or for the love of God I'll-" Elika warn her brother.

"Jesus! I'm up OK! Jeez" Gilver said as he starts getting dress.

Elika walk out of her brother's room but before closing she looked back at her brother.

"Don't you even think about going back to bed." she said but this time with a death glare.

As elika left Gilver just got up from bed.

"Tch whatever..." Gilver said as get changed into he's uniform and put on he's glasses.

When Gilver finished changing he stood in the darkness of his room as he walked towards the curtains and open it as the bright afternoon light came in.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about today..?" Gilver whisper to himself.

He almost jump whe he's phone ring.

He sigh in relief as he pick up he's phone but froze when the ID caller was unknown.

"Damn kids and their prank calls.." Gilver said as he press ignore.

As he exit he's bedroom he's phone rang again, Gilver had enough and anwer he's phoned.

"Look I don't know who you are but stop calling!" Gilver shouted but not to loud for he's sister to hear.

Then in he's shock he was right.. Because it was a voice of a little boy who answered.

"Hello Gilver Sebastian you are invited to play a game of hide and seek with The white Demon."
The voice of the little boy was calm and soft but cold at the same time.

"and your the one who will hide."

Gilver look down at his phone in confusion and chills.

"What the-" Gilver said as he looks back but to find four black mask in front of him.

Gilver immediately turns around to call for help.

"ELI!!!-" But was cut off by a very a hard and painful hit in the head.

Gilver fell into the ground helplessly. as the four man took him away.

The man grab Gilver's phone and talk through it.

"Nice Work Little 'Crow' we shall Tell the white demon that we have Gilver and that the plan is going well." The black mask said.

"It's Crow. You won't... Hurt him are you..?" The Crow asked.

"hmp that's up too the white Demon, Now time for the next target, you know what to do, then focus on your mission back at Detroit or you'll know what happens to you and the others understand?" The man in a black mask asks.

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