Chapter Eleven: Seekers Of The Hide And Seek

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Song: Safe and sound
Song by: Taylor swift ( Ft. Civil Wars )
Hunger Games soundtrack

[ A/N This song is a lullaby that willl be mentioned later, well the cores part. Mabye I'll be using this full song in future chapters. I just wanted to clear it out that the full song won't be played. I'll put the lyrics in here so you won't get confuse. ]

~Just close your eyes, the sun is going down~

~You'll be alright, No one can hurt you now~

~Come Morning Light, You and I'll be safe and sound~

[A/N those are the only line will be mentioned here first. just want to clear again this is just the song that will be mention.]

Warning: This is going to have some fight scenes so this might get a bit messy.


September 11, 2042

Somewhere in Novi City.
Elika and Gilver's Household

Helen was sitting on the attic while looking outside the window. she looks down below the window and watch as Andrea pack their stuff outside.

Elika came up the attic and sat a few feet away from Helen.

"Hey..." Elika greeted.

"Hey.." Helen replied with out turning her head.

"I know how your feeling..." Elika said as she spoke to Helen.

"And I know you want to tear down whoever took the only family you have left..." Elika said as she looks above the ceiling.

"What are you talking about? you still have the rest of your family with you." Helen said as she turned towards Elika.

Elika just chuckle from her seat.

"Nah.. Gil is the only one I have left... My parents.. Their always busy in nonsense work all the time... The only time we have fun as kids was everytime our grandparents visit.." Elika looks down as she remembered those days that she won't forget.

Elika and Gilver was around seven when they visited their grandparents fram.

They were talking to their mother on the phone.

" Elika, Gilver. I want you both to be on your best behaviour. Then when you get home do your homework immediately and I don't want to see you both slacking off or you know your punishment!" their mother said furiously.

"Yes mom." Both kids replied.

"Good." was tha only thing their mother Aria said as she shuts the phone.

when they got out of the car their Driver spoke.

"Young Master and Young Lady needs to be Careful outside while their good old driver stay in the car." The Driver said with a smile.

"Your not just our Diver you're Family Norman! "Elika smile as she kisses Norman on his cheek
While leaving the car.

Gilver stare at Norman for a second.

"please don't call us that while we are outside, mom and dad is not here you know?" Gilver said as he hops out of the car.

He looks back at Norman.

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