Chapter Eight: Into The Storm

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All campaign in one chapter.

September 9, 2042
10:00 a.m

Detroit City.

It's been raining heavily for the past three days.

Captain Fowler ordered Hank and Connor even Gavin to come to the office because the captain needed help from all the problems so he brings them back and cancelled their suspension.

Hank and Connor was sitting on their desks studying the virus outbreak.

Hank has been quite for the past two days ever since they had learn about Barbara.

Connor has been less talkative ever since Lucas disappeared. He knew Lucas is in safe hands but He has been so worried about his little brother.

He wanted to go and find him but Connor knows that his brother was good at hiding if he wants too.

Hank was the first one to speak.

"You're thinking about Lucas again are you?" Hank asked.

Connor was surprised since his dad hasn't talked for two days straight.

"Yeah...I can't help it..." Connor reply.

"Connor. I'm sorry I have been ignoring you and your mother." Hank apologize.

" don't have to apologize we must be hard..." Connor said.

Hank looked at he's oldest son and smile.

"It is...but I visited Barb and Cole yesterday...and I don't care about her past anymore the only thing I cared about is I loved her and Cole. She's my wife." Hank said with a smile.

Connor stare at Hank in confusion like Hank wanted to ask something.

"Do you want to say something dad?" Connor whispered.

Hank looked back at him and cleared his throat.

"Connor? Um...what do you think of me loving someone again...I mean! Barbara I will always love and never forget her in my heart no matter how many women are out there...but I don't know..." Hank said as he blushed and looked down.

He looked back at Connor and saw his son holding his smile and laugh.

"You're going to make fun of your old man are ya?" Hank asked as he looked at Connor with an embarrassed look.

Connor lean forward to whisper in Hank's ear.

"You like Mom Don't you?" Connor whispered happily.

"WHAT!?-" Hank shouted and fell backwards and off his seat.

Connor was looking at Hank with a very happy smile and other officers just stared at their commanding officer in confusion.

"Liuetenant? Are you okay?" Chris asked while Tina and Gavin looked at each other with a very blank expression.

Hank got embarrassed and got up and dusted his coat.

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