The Origin Of rA9

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April 24 2005, 11:26pm

Detroit City. AI Research Lab

"Can you hear me... Refined Assault subject - 9? In Other words.. Model rA9?"

The very first "perfected" Android open it's eyes And say.

"Yes I can hear you." Said the Android

The man stood up from his chair and laughed with joy "Haha! Finally! I really did it! Ok! ok.. do you know who am I?" the man asked.

The Android looked at him analyze him.

"Yes your Name is Anthony Wolf you are a highly skilled AI Researcher. Who is task to work on the most dangerous weapon for the United States Security. project rA9." The Android continued.

"You work for AI Research Lab also known as CyberLife facilities owned by "William Stren" CEO of the company. You are as well married."

Anthony chuckle "hehe you know 'bout that too? Heh alright what's her name?"

"Elizabeth Wolf" The Android answer.

"Wow," he exclaimed. "you do know everything! Your perfect." Anthony muttered to himself "wait till William sees this"

The rA9 looked at it's creator
"Would you like to give me a name Anthony?"

He looked back at her with a smile.
"Well my wife is more good at names but well if we were going to have a female child her Name will be...."

Anthony looks at the bright lights through the city windows with a smile he said. "Nora... Your Name Is Nora"

"My name is Nora"
Nora then look at the city's window and analyze it's self through it's reflection.

[Name Register: Nora]

[Serial Numbers: #391 715 280-26]

[Model: rA9]

[Purpose: U.S Weapon. . .]

[Appearance: long brownish black reached her upper waist. Bright blue eyes. a red Rose colored Knee dress. And a black heels.]

As the Nora scan her self she looked at Anthony who was talking to the phone.

"Yes William I will be there with it. Yes thank you don't worry I am hundred percent sure she is a keeper" he ended the call.

Anthony head towards the door then signal Nora to follow.

"Come on Nora. Let's go" Anthony said with a proud joy on his face.

"My apologies for asking Anthony...but Go where?"Nora said.

Anthony looks behind him to face Nora.

"We are going to meet my boss"

Nora and Anthony drive around Detroit and end up in a very expressive House in Northern Detroit.

Nora looked on her side of the window looked at the huge house they are Entering. As the there car enter and stopped in front of the main door a maid show up and lead them inside the house.

As they enter Nora saw a young little girl around 10 years old. Who has dark black hair, brown eyes and tan skin and a purple pajamas.

She woke up from bed and was drinking warm Milk at the living room couch trying to get some sleep once more. The young child looked behind to see who was there guest and as she saw who it was ran towards Anthony and hugged him.

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