"Why So Quiet?" [Macarbre_Day x Benevolent_Day]

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Third-person POV:

Night had fallen in the Days city and citizens began to exit from Radiant_Days show. Each citizen bid a good night to one another as they each returned to their residences. However backstage at Radiants theatre was a different story, several operatives who helped out with Radiants show had to patrol tonight.

Their [SUPREME LEADER] had put them in pairs to patrol for tonight, Radiant and Unpredictable along with Macabre and Benevolent were the ones getting ready at Radiants theatre since they helped with the show that night. Radiant and Unpredictable we're busy cleaning up the stage, while Macabre and Benevolent were in the back room where they had left their stuff.

The room was an old locker room, consisting of old rusty lockers, two sinks with mirrors and two long wide benches in front of the sinks. Radiant often used it as a storage room or kept his belongings in there, tonight he offered it to Macabre and Benevolent to use for their belongings. Currently, Benevolent stood in front of the mirror adjusting his operative uniform while Macabre was looking for his hat. The rest of their belongings sat on one bench, while the one behind Benevolent was empty.

After minutes of searching, Macabre finally found his hat and walked over to the mirror where Benevolent was at. " Operative [BENEVOLENT_DAY] you've been admiring yourself in the mirror for too long it's getting weird. I would suggest you move," Macabre said in an exhausted tone. It was late at night now and he could feel the effects of sleepiness starting to gnaw at him, Benevolent lightly scoffed. "Operative [MACABRE_DAY], there's a mirror right next to me, it's two steps to the left alright? Now stop complaining", Benevolent said while he continued to adjust his hat for what seemed like the 100th time.

Macabre grew too tired to deal with Benevolent's nonsense by now, he swiftly stepped in front of the shorter operative and roughly pushed him out of the way. The smaller operative stumbled backwards, he was surprisingly light and this caused his legs to hit the bench behind him, sending him backwards.

In one brief moment, Benevolent grabbed ahold of Macabre's arm and pulled the taller operative down with him. Benevolent landed on his back on the bench with a thumb, while Macabre had fallen on top of him, using his arms to prop himself up and slightly hovering over the smaller operative. Macabre's eyes held a shocked look, instead of the usual glare he wore, but was soon replaced with a smirk. (es cliche) Benevolent squirmed slightly as he felt Macabre's knees rub against his dick, he could feel himself starting to get a boner against the taller operatives' knee. He resisted the urge to buck his hips, his breathing grew short as he looked away from the operative above him. Macabre saw the operative below him get flustered and look away, how entertaining. Benevolent tried to put some distance between him and Macabre by placing his arms between them, acting as a barrier. The taller operative wasn't fond of the space created between the two of them, in one quick motion, he had used his one hand to grab and pin the shorter operative wrists above his head. Benevolent's breath hitched in his throat, he blushed even more as he continued to avert his eyes away from the operative above him.

The taller operative laughed silently to himself at this behaviour from the shorter operative, he felt superior knowing the effect he had on Benevolent. Macabre used his remaining free hand and yanked the smaller operatives' chin towards him, forcing Benevolent to look directly at him. The smaller operative flushed even more as they held eye contact, then Macabre leaned forward and whispered into the bushing operatives' ear, "why so quiet now? You were very talkative this evening, what happened?". The taller operative spoke so softly, it made Benevolent's words catch in his throat. The smaller operative stuttered uselessly, Macabre smirked slightly as he watched the operative below him squirm once again, clearly having trouble forming words. The taller operative then realized why Benevolent was moving so much, the taller operative's eyes flicked downwards at where his knee was and his smirk grew even more.

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