"Cuddles And Kisses" [Great_Day x Radiant_Day]

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REQUESTED BY: Emotionlessisgay

Great was holed up in his office, filling out some very important documents and writing letters. It was around noon and the sun was seeping through his window and creeping around the room, it was silent except for the sound of Great's pen on paper. He had sent all his operatives to their offices to file out some paperwork as well, he assumed that they would almost be finished around late noon.
Great sighed as he finished filling out a document and slid it to the side of his desk, he leant back in his chair and stretched his arms out.

The door burst opened and Great nearly fell out of his chair, it was as if an electric shock jolted through him. He looked forward at the operative who opened his door so abruptly, they didn't even bother to knock. Radiant_Day stood there, his hand on the doorknob and a goofy smile on his face. He closed the door and sauntered over to Great who still wore a shocked look on his face, he had absolutely no idea what Radiant was doing in his office.

Radiant stumbled a little as he walked over to Great, he kept hiccuping and laughing a little. Great immediately understood that the operative was drunk, really drunk. The poor operative had trouble seeing straight and struggled to keep a neutral face. Radiant finally got to the front of Great's desk, he gripped onto the sides for support and he laughed a little at Great's startled face. Great spoke, attempting to find out what was going on with this operative. "Operative Radiant, why are you here and why are you drunk?! You are supposed to be if your office working!", Great's voice rose a little as he was beginning to get a little irritated by the operative. Radiant stared at him and dropped his head downwards, some words slurred out of his mouth, he muttered something about finishing work early, other operatives, a drinking game. Great grimaced, it was pretty easy to put the pieces together and figure out what happened.


All the operatives sat in the lounge room, they had completed the paperwork their [SUPREME LEADER] assigned them and they were all really bored. They had some extra time and were just chatting amongst one another until Macabre_Day thought of an idea. "Hey guys, you know those drinking games you see people play at parties? We should do that", Macabre said to all the other operatives with a grin on his face. Some operatives looked up, interested while others looked at Macabre with concern. "Okay well, first of all, we have zero alcohol and second of all we are at work", Unpredictable_Day stated. Macabre however stood up and left the room, leaving all the other operatives confused. They waited in silence, only the sound of the clock in the room ticking could be heard. Then after about 10 minutes, Macabre returned with a bottle of whiskey in his right hand and shot glasses in his left. "Let's play then", Macabre said with a grin.

Most of the operatives had seated themselves around the table in the lounge room, others who didn't want to play merely watched. They all took turns, seeing how many shots one could take until they were no longer functional. It went on for a while until only Macabre and Radiant were the last ones left. Macabre was merely red in the face and laughed a little, Radiant however was hiccuping and laughing a lot. He occasionally muttered a few words under his breath, but no one seemed to notice. As Macabre was about to take another shot, the door to the lounge room burst open. Emotionless_Day stood there, his jaw slightly clenched as he observed the scene in front of him. He had been at the [SUPREME LEADERS] office and when he was walking back, noticed that all the other operatives were missing. So he made his way to the lounge room and discovered where they had all gone. Macabre immediately stood and tried to escape the room, only for Emotionless to stop him and push him into a chair.

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