"I'm Literally Begging You To Stop" [Merciless_Night x Sonder_Dawn]

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As soon as Merciless heard the news that they had captured a Dawn, he practically flew out of his office and ran to the elevator.

Merciless had been working in his office, it was a sweltering summer afternoon and he had taken off his overcoat due to the heat. He was filling out a letter to an ally, a small fan operated on the edge of his desk and occasionally blew small gusts of air towards him. He had closed all the blinds in an attempt to keep the warm sunlight out and a single lightbulb was turned on in the middle of the ceiling, it flickered every now and then.

Merciless almost fell out of his chair as operative Joyous_Night banged his office door open, he spoke immediately about their capturing of a Dawn and that they wanted Merciless to interrogate them immediately. Merciless jumped out of his chair, grabbed his coat and sprinted out of his office and down the hallway. He halted to a stop in front of the elevator, he pressed the down button and waited. He was slightly panting, the heat mixed with the running he just did made him sweat even more. He bent down a little in an attempt to rest and hung his head low, the hallway was eerily silent except for his shallow breathing.

Merciless stood straight up as he heard the elevator ding and the doors open, he gripped his coat tightly in his hands and walked into the elevator. The doors slowly rolled shut with a metallic groan behind Merciless and he pressed the button that led the elevator to the cells. They kept all their captured enemies on this underground floor, it was slightly disturbing to some operatives. The elevator shuddered a little as it descended, Merciless leaned against the cold elevator wall and sighed. He was thinking, how could he get this Dawn to divulge valuable information to him.

The elevator dinged and rattled to a stop, Merciless walked towards the doors and they rolled open. He stepped out of the elevator and was immediately hit with the cold air of the cells, mixed with a rotting smell. He scrunched his face in slight disgust and started down the hallway, the dripping of pipes could be heard and the hallways lights flickered endlessly. He stopped at the end of the hallway, in front of him was a simple steel door. Merciless punched in a passcode into the keypad on the side and a small light on the side lit up green, he pushed the door open.

Merciless shut the door behind him, his eyes adjusting to the darkness in the cell. His eyes fell on a person who was pacing around the cell, they stopped walking and looked up at the sound of the door opening. Merciless stood there dumbstruck, he could have sworn Joyous mentioning that he had restrained their hostage to a chair in the cell. He silently cursed under his breath and looked at the prisoner again. He recognized the Dawn almost immediately as Sonder_Dawn, Sonder realized that the night was staring at him and awkwardly sat down in the chair he was supposed to be restrained too. The ropes that had bounded his hands to the chair, were in a messy pile on the floor.

Merciless advanced towards the dawn, his face neutral as he picked up the rope and grabbed a hold of Sonder's two wrists. He brought the dawn's wrists behind his back and tied them together, behind the chair. He had thrown his coat onto the floor in the process and Sonder spoke to the night, "you literally look like you just got fucked Merciless, work on your appearance more." Sonder sneered a little, he watched as Merciless looked down at his outfit and picked up his coat from the floor. Merciless felt himself heat up a little from the comment Sonder made, he couldn't deny that he was somewhat telling the truth. His undershirt was slightly ruffled from him running, a couple of buttons had been undone and he was sweating from the intense heat upstairs.

Merciless picked his coat up and stared at Sonder, the Dawn wore a smug expression upon seeing the night unable to think of a response. Merciless turned away from the Dawn and walked over to the side of the cell, he placed his coat down onto a side table. Slight irritation was showing on his face as a result of Sonder's confident behaviour, he still had the task of interrogating him for information and he finally had an idea on how to do so.

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