"All That For A Fucking Hat" [Emotionless_Day x Dreadful_Day]

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The two operatives, Emotionless and Dreadful races down the street of the day's city. It was night and only the street lamps illuminated their pathway, several shouts came from Emotionless as he raced after the other operative. Dreadful ran where ever his feet would take him, he clutched Emotionless's hat in his hand tighter as he made a turn around a corner.

Dreadful had been paired with Emotionless for patrol tonight and he had jokingly snatched the operative's hat off his head when walking, he had walked ahead of the operative a little and Emotionless ran after him. Dreadful had gotten spooked and ran for it, Emotionless chasing after him and shouting for him to stop. Dreadful however didn't stop, he was too scared at this point and his instincts took over him.

Dreadful made a run for his residence, his breath came in ragged bursts and his legs felt on fire. As he neared his residence he didn't dare look behind him and he got to the door, unlocked it and yanked it open. He had just managed to get inside but closed the door too late, Emotionless slipped past in the last second as the door shut behind him. Dreadful didn't stop running, he ran to his living room with Emotionless right at his tail.

Emotionless was close enough to Dreadful that he could just barely grab onto him, but his hand couldn't get a proper grip. So the operative did the next best thing to get ahold of Dreadful, he jumped into the operative and pulled Dreadful down with him and they both landed on the couch. Dreadful felt the wind knock out of him as he attempted to recover from the impact, he could feel the weight of the other operative on top of him and panicked slightly.

Emotionless propped himself up on top of Dreadful and attempted to reach for his hat, Dreadful still had the hat in one hand and held it above his head. Emotionless reached for the hat but couldn't quite reach it, he moved around to try and get higher but failed. His legs became entangled with Dreadfuls and he tried to push himself up to move forward but this resulted in him falling back down onto the other operative, one of his hands was outstretched and the other was holding down Dreadful by his neck.

Dreadful was worrying less about the hat and more about the fact that Emotionless was rubbing himself around his lower region and holding him down by his neck at the same time, his grip on the hat loosened a little. With every small action Emotionless did, Dreadful could feel his pants become tightened against the other operative and he prayed that Emotionless couldn't feel it. Emotionless rubbed himself against the operative again in an attempt to get closer to the hat and this caused Dreadful to let a small moan escape him, he had been biting his lip to prevent any noise from coming out of him but it was getting too overwhelming for Dreadful.

Emotionless froze at the sound that escaped the other operative, he looked down at Dreadful and back up again. He had noticed the position they were in and couldn't help but smirk a little at the situation, the way the Dreadful averted his eyes from him made him laugh to himself. He rested one of his hands on the couch arm in front of him and used the other hand to grab onto Dreadful's chin, forcing the operative to look at him. Dreadful felt his face heat up even more as the operative smirked at him, his heart was beating at a rapid pace and felt as if it was about to burst right out of his chest.

Emotionless moved a little more and slid his thigh in between the other operatives legs, right up against his crotch but stopped abruptly as he felt something poking against him. Emotionless laughed a little, he was quite amused by how easily turned on the other operative could get and slowly moved his thigh against Dreadful. Dreadful had let go of the Emotionless hat and stilted a moan as Emotionless rubbed against him on purpose this time, he couldn't help but buck his hips up slightly desperate for more friction. He swore slightly and begged for more under his breath, small noises escaped him.

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