"Seduction" [Great_Day x Emotionless_Day x Scary_Day] (DISCONTINUED)

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Here's the draft that I said I would post in my last update lol, I haven't edited it at all so it's cringey af🥲



That was the only thing the operative, the governor's guard and the supreme leader were. The effects of the joint's (mf weed ok?) they each took were beginning to show through their faces and their actions, not an ounce of regret passed through any of their thoughts. Their emotions were showing, as they all usually hid them when in a somewhat operational state. Rushes of adrenaline rolled through their veins, they felt careless and free of stress.

Scary had taken one as he was extremely stressed and did this often and he assumed that with his high tolerance, he would be able to handle it. Great had passed by the balcony of their work office and spotted the governors guard through the glass door, with his back turned to the door and a waft of smoke surrounding him. He had joined the guard and they chatted merely about upcoming projects, somewhere in between the talk they made Scary offered the leader a joint and the leader accepted. Great hadn't gave a single thought as he took it, his mind was clearly elsewhere and unfocused.

The sky was becoming darker by the minute as Scary and Great chatted away, slowly loosing focus due to the drug. It had escalated from simple talking to noticeable flirting from the both of them, the governors guard had subconsciously gone past his tolerance level and the leader was clearly new to this drug. They were both flushed and giggled endlessly, eye contact was held the entire time. Neither of them seemed to want to break the eye contact, they got lost in each other's eyes as they fooled around.

Emotionless had been packing up his things and getting ready to return to his residence when he noticed the supreme leaders absence, he wanted to make sure he was okay and searched throughout the building. He paused as he heard loud voices coming from the balcony and raced there at once, he wasn't sure if the yelling was good or bad and if the leader was being attacked. He bust open the balcony door and his gaze landed on Scary and the leader, both chucking and slightly red in the face. The smell of weed was quite noticeable in the night air and Emotionless couldn't help but smile a little as he observed the other two, they seemed so happy and relaxed. It was something he had not seen for the longest time and Emotionless felt his emotions that had been hurried deep down start to show on his face, it felt strange.

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