"Bites" [Dreadful_Day x Scary_Day]

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Scary hated Dreadful, no questions asked. Every time the shorter operative was in Scary's presence, he always found some way to annoy him. It ranged from glares across the room to shoving and sometimes full-on yelling, in this case, another operative had to come along and break up the pointless fight. Sometimes Dreadful wasn't even trying to annoy Scary on purpose, his energy just became irritating to the taller operative over time. If Dreadful wasn't already an operative, Scary would've killed and eaten him on the spot. He would've tasted so good.

On this particular day, Dreadful was annoying Scary even more than usual. It started when the taller operative arrived at work to collect his daily tasks from the [SUPREME LEADER], he had entered the building and Dreadful had been standing right behind the door. The shorter operative had stuck out his foot and tripled Scary, causing the taller operative to stumble and hit the ground. Dreadful immediately sprinted down the hall laughing, before Scary could catch him and most likely shoot him. The taller operative stood and recollected himself and started down the hall, his mouth in a tight line and fists clenching in anger.

When Scary received his tasks from the [SUPREME LEADER], he exited the building, only to be shoved onto the ground by Dreadful who was waiting outside the building. The shorter operative suppressed a grin as Scary jumped up and began to chase him, unfortunately soon as they reached City Square Scary lost sight of him. Cursing to himself and Dreadful, Scary dusted some dirt off of his operative uniform and began his daily tasks.

It was around noon when the [SUPREME LEADER] called all the operative's down for a meeting, to discuss some upcoming plans and what to do with the night creatures. Scary entered the building and started down the hall to the meeting room, as he neared the room he could see Dreadful enter and shut the door behind him. The taller operative internally groaned, praying that Dreadful wasn't the only one in that room, he opened the door. Scary cursed under his breath as he saw that Dreadful indeed the only one in the room so far, the shorter operative had looked up at the sound of the door opening and his eyes met with Scary's. The taller operative merely frowned and sat in the seat farthest away from Dreadful, avoiding any more eye contact.

The two operatives sat in silence, Scary could feel the other operative gaze on him the entire time and he fidgeted slightly in his seat. Scary froze as he heard Dreadful stand up from his seat and make his way over to him, he kept his gaze downwards as Dreadful advanced towards him. Dreadful stopped right behind Scary and placed both his hands on the back of the taller operative chair, Scary resisted the urge to hit him. "What was he doing? This little shit" Scary thought, his temper rising by the second. Scary tensed up as he felt Dreadful lean in towards him, he could feel the shorter operatives' breath on his shoulder. Dreadful's breathing gradually got more and more annoying, Scary had enough and whipped his head around to face the other operative. Dreadful jumped slightly at this sudden action and felt himself blush as he realized how close their faces were, he could feel Scary's breath fan over his lips. Scary however haven't realized this and continued to glare at the operative in front of him, his sharp teeth peeking out as he sneered.

Dreadful jumped back as he heard the door to the meeting room open, he looked up as all the other operatives filed in. They haven't paid any attention to the two operatives that were already inside the room, they all chatted to each other in low voices and began to take their seats. Without even thinking, Dreadful sat down next to Scary. The taller operative grimaced at this action, he really didn't want to be stuck with Dreadful for the entire meeting. But all the other seats had been taken by the other operatives, so he had no choice but to remain in his spot. After a couple of minutes, the [SUPREME LEADER] entered the room and the chatter was immediately silenced. The [SUPREME LEADER] walked over to his spot, took a seat and began to speak to his operatives.

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