"Distraction" [Scary_Day x Horrid_Night]

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Scary_Day waited in one of the night's cells, he was seated in a chair and his hands were tied behind him. His head was hung low, his shoulders were slumped and he was tired but alert. The cell was illuminated by a single light bulb that hung in the middle of the ceiling, it flickered endlessly and emitted a buzzing noise. The walls were solid concrete with some unidentifiable substances splashed on them, the floor was slightly wet. The air was moist and reeked of something rotten, the sound of a pipe dripping could be heard in the distance. Scary had found himself in the unlucky situation of being caught outside the day's city for several nights while attempting to return to his city, he had been captured immediately and taken to the night's facility. He was blindfolded for most of the time, the nights only removed the blindfold when they tied him up in the chair and left him in the cell.

Scary had been waiting for what seemed like hours in the cell, just waiting and trying to think of ways the escape. He was sure that his fellow coworkers would have been alerted of his absence by now and assume he had been captured, he prayed that they were on their way to help him at this very moment. He was sure that the nights would attempt to interrogate him for information about the days union and he vowed to himself to not divulge any information to the enemy, even if his life was on the line. It was for the sake of the union after all.

Scary raised his head a little as he heard footsteps outside of his cell, a rush of adrenaline flowed through him and his heart rate increased. He heard the footsteps stop outside his cell door and then the door being unlocked, he didn't dare lift his head all the way. The sound of the door becoming fully unlocked and its slowly opening sent chills down Scary's spine, he could feel someone's gaze on him. He slowly lifted his head and his eyes met with the night leader, Horrid_Night. They held eye contact for what seemed like forever, the air was full of tension and hatred.

Horrid broke the eye contact by closing the door and walking over to the side of the cell, Scary's eyes followed him and observed his every move. The night paused in front of a table at the side of the cell, Horrid opened a drawer under the table and began looking for something, the night Rumsfeld around for quite some time. Scary took advantage of this and began to loosen the ropes that bounded his hands together behind him, he twisted his wrists around and felt the ropes loosen.

After a couple of minutes, Scary felt the ropes fully loosen and he caught it in his hands as to not alert the night leader. At the same time, Horrid turned around, holding an unidentifiable object and started towards Scary. The day made his move, he dropped the rope and jumped at the night. Horrid's eyes widened in shock and Scary jumped into him and pulled the both of them to the cell floor, the wind being knocked out of both of them in the process.

Horrid squirmed around as Scary held him down by placing himself on top of the night, they both glared at each other and began to fight on the floor. Horrid got loose from Scary's grasp and attempted to escape by bolting to the door but Scary grabbed a hold of the night's back collar, pulling Horrid back onto the floor. Horrid landed on top of Scary, basically sitting on his lower region while Scary's hands found the night's waist as if on impulse and trapping Horrid in place.

Horrid attempted to free himself from Scary's grasp but failed, he squirmed around endlessly and Scary swore under his breath as he felt the night practically rub his ass against his dick. He bit his bottom lip to prevent any noise from escaping him and he was slightly irritated that Horrid had absolutely no idea what happening to him, he was sure that the night would feel his growing boner any second. Scary had been correct, the night felt something poking at their ass and immediately pushed as they realized what it was. Horrid stopped moving and stared at Scary, the day could only grimace and lay his head on the concrete floor.

He, unfortunately, let his guard down and his grip on the night's waist loosened a little, Horrid took this opportunity to hoist himself up and make a break for the cell door. Scary had gotten up at lightning speed as he felt the night get up off of him, he bolted after Horrid and grabbed onto the night's waist right before Horrid reached the door. Horrid struggled in the day's grasp, turning around in the process and facing Scary. Horrid was slightly panicking and had no idea what to do, the night was only half aware of Scary's grip and Horrid's mind went haywire.

It was a quick action, an instinct, an impulse maybe. Horrid stopped struggling and looked Scary straight in the eyes, the eye contact was full of a strange feeling. Frustration, hatred and a hint of lust. Horrid leans forward and pressed his lips onto Scary's as an attempt of distraction, the night couldn't help but savour Scary's taste. Scary's mind had stopped working at the feeling of a pair of lips meeting with his own, his eyes widened in shock for a moment but immediately fluttered shut as he enjoyed the feeling. His mouth fell open a little and he felt Horrid's tongue shove into his mouth, running over every crevice. Scary preserved every second of the kiss, he had no idea why this affected him so much but he loved it. He felt Horrid suck on his bottom lip and his hands fell off of the night's waist, due to the feeling of pleasure overcoming him.

Horrid ripped himself away from Scary, the night pushed Scary away and causing the day to stumble backwards and fall on his ass on the floor. Horrid bolted out the cell door, closing and locking it with a metallic bang. Horrid sank down to the floor, leaning against the cell door and panting. On the other side of the door, Scary sat there in shock, his lips were swollen and the problem in his pants had grown. The day groaned in annoyance and he could hear Horrid chuckle through the door, this made Scary even more irritated.

Scary subconsciously extended his legs outwards and spread them apart slightly, he could feel his hand slide onto his thigh and rub on it. He suppressed a moan as he rubbed against his growing erection and inner thigh, teasing himself. Scary found the ability to speak to the night on the other side of the door, he was still pissed that Horrid had left him in this state.

"You're a bitch you know?"

Horrid could only laugh and replied with a smirk.

"I know, now solve your fucking problem and please do make some noise for me".


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