"Shut Up" [Merciless_Night x Powerless_Night]

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Merciless ran down the street of the Days city, Powerless right behind him and several days operatives on their tail. It was night and the air was cold, both operatives stumbled a little trying to run through the darkness. Merciless and Powerless had been sent to the day's city to spy on some days operatives, they had disguised themselves as civilians and had been able to stay here for a couple of days without getting called out.

But Merciless had let himself slip a little and took Powerless with him as they explored the city when it had turned dark, they wanted to get a better sense of their surroundings. They couldn't observe the city during the daytime because that would look suspicious to the day operatives, so they had chosen the night to do it. But unfortunately, a day's operative who was patrolling caught them and immediately recognized them because they hadn't disguised themselves this time. The day operative had sent a whole squad after them and the two nights ran for their life.

Merciless grabbed onto Powerless's wrist and they turned a sharp corner around a building, causing some days behind them to hit the building wall. The nights didn't stop, Merciless continued to drag the other operative behind him as he bolted down the sidewalk. Powerless was struggling to keep up, his breath came in ragged bursts and his chest hurt. He yelped slightly as Merciless pulled them into an open warehouse, Merciless slammed the door behind the two of them and rushed behind the shelves that held many boxes.

Both nights stopped, attempting to catch their breaths. Powerless leaned against the shelf panting and Merciless checked their surroundings to make sure no days had followed them. The warehouse was silent except for the breathing of the two operatives, the air was cold and damp, the lights in the warehouse flickered endlessly. Slowly, the two nights' breathing regained a normal pace and Merciless leaned against the shelf with Powerless. Neither of them had said a word, Merciless's head was buzzing with ways on how they could escape now that they had been caught. Powerless, however, was slowly getting angrier and angrier at Merciless. It had been his idea to sneak around the city at night, Powerless had been very hesitant to go but Merciless wouldn't shut up until he agreed. And the day operative has recognized Merciless first, landing them in this entire mess.

Powerless turned to face Merciless who was still thinking very hard on any ideas on how to escape, Powerless stood there staring at the other night and it was slowly bugging Merciless more and more. The taller operative stopped his train of thoughts and turned towards Powerless, very irritated. "Powerless what do you want, we should be thinking of ideas how to escape," Merciless said to the shorter operative, his voice barely a hiss. He couldn't risk being any louder for some day operative could be roaming near the warehouse and hear him speaking, he hopes that the day's leader had not sent out operatives to comb the entire city for them.

Powerless spoke, he couldn't even keep his voice low due to the anger building up inside of him. "YOU LOWLIFE BITCH, WE GOT CAUGHT BECAUSE OF YOU!", Merciless flinched a little as Powerless's harsh words hit him and Powerless kept going. "I TOLD YOU WANDERING THIS STUPID CITY WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA, BUT DID YOU LISTEN?! NOPE, YOU AND YOUR BIG EGO. YOU THINK YOU CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT, ITS RIDICULOUS!", Merciless signalled Powerless to keep quiet, he kept mouthing "shut up" but Powerless ignored him and continued. "AND YOU BASICALLY THE REASON WE ARE STUCK IN THIS MESS NOW, WE WERE SUPPOSED TO OBEY OUR LEADERS ORDERS AND HE SAID TO NEVER WANDER WITHOUT DISGUISING. ARE YOU STUPID!!?!", by now Merciless was freaking out. He knew that if Powerless kept up his yelling, someday operative was bound to hear him and find them. Merciless tried to use his hands to block off Powerless's mouth, but the shorter operative swatted his hands away and continued with his rant. "I SWEAR, WHY DID I GET PAIRED TO WORK WITH YOU OF ALL PEOPLE I- UHMPH~", Powerless was cut off by Merciless grabbing his collar and slamming his lips onto the shorter operative's in an attempt to shut him up.

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