"Sleepy" [Anemoia_Dawn x Practical_Day]

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Anemoia_Dawn was currently on the verge of falling asleep in Practical's office, he had travelled to the day's city to help around because several operatives were out on missions. Practical had offered his office for Anemoia to use to sort out numerous files and the Dawn accepted, he was quite fond of the operative. It was a chilly autumn afternoon but even the chilliness couldn't wake the Dawn more, he had barely gotten any sleep when journeying to the city and it was slowly eating away at him. Practical had left his office in the morning and had not returned, perhaps he went to work on a task from the [SUPREME LEADER].

Anemoia leaned his head on his hand and felt his eyelids grow heavy, he stifled a yawn. A stack of files sat unsorted in front of him, he glanced at the clock on his right, it read 1:37 pm. Anemoia leaned back in the chair and stretched his arms out, he shook his head a little in an attempt to wake himself up. The Dawn stood up and stretched again, he decided to go for a small walk in an attempt to wake himself up a little more.

He started towards the door and opened it slowly, the door's hinges squeaked a little as they moved. Anemoia stepped out into the silent hallway and began to walk down it, his footsteps echoed off the walls. The Dawn still felt drowsy and could feel himself nodding off as he walked, he was slowly losing a sense of his surroundings. Anemoia stumbled sideways and his head fell downwards, his eyes fluttered shut. The Dawn collided with another figure, the wind knocked out of him and he could hear the person he ran into grunt a little. Anemoia could feel a pair of arms wrap around him and pull him closer to prevent him from falling, he looked up and opened his eyes slightly.

The dawn's eyes met with Practicals, the operative raised an eyebrow as Anemoia smiled goofily at him and close his eyes again. Practical stared down at the dawn and spoke, "you tired?". Anemoia could only nod his head a little and lean into the operative more, he could feel himself starting to fall asleep. Practical sighed, he knew that the dawn had no capability of walking back to the office by himself and he felt himself blush a little as Anemoia snuggled into his chest. The operative quickly removed his arms from Anemoia, causing the dawn to sway a little and his eyes fluttered open.

Practical swiftly brought one of his arms behind the dawn back and the other under his legs, he picked him up bridal style and started down the hall to his office. Anemoia blushed a little at this action, he didn't think Practical would be the one to carry him around and yet he wasn't complaining. The dawn wrapped his arms around Practical's neck, drawing him closer to the operative and he leaned against Practical's chest as he continued walking. Practical felt his cheeks heat up at these actions, he was aware of the dawn staring at him but he decided to keep his eyes set straight forward. He was pretty sure that Anemoia noticed his flushed cheeks and prayed he didn't mention it, he was very fond of the dawn and tried not to show it most as he was just too scared too.

The two of them arrived at Practical's office, the operative set Anemoia down and opened the door. Anemoia was still feeling drowsy and followed Practical into the office, shutting the door behind them. He stumbled a little and leaned against the edge of the desk for some support, Practical sat down in the desk chair and began to sort through the files that Anemoia had started working on. The dawn stared at the operative working for a couple of minutes, he felt himself grow tired again and his legs felt weak.

Anemoia spoke to the operative and leaned his head back, "can I sit or something, I'm exhausted". Practical paused, he was writing something down and looked up at Anemoia. The operative removed his pen from the paper and used it to point to his lap as a joke, he laughed a little at Anemoia's dumbfounded expression. Practical went back to writing but froze as he felt Anemoia maneuver his way onto his lap, he pulled his arms away from the desk unintentionally and allowed Anemoia to have more room. The dawn plopped down onto Practical's lap, facing and basically straddling him. Practical gulped a little and felt his pen fall from his grasp, his face was heating up.

Anemoia wrapped his arms around Practical's neck and cuddled against him, he was quite comfortable. Practical slowly moved his hands to the dawn's waist, he gently held onto Anemoia's figure and sighed a little. He could feel himself starting to relax a little and he pulled the dawn closer, Anemoia closed his eyes in relaxation. The two of them cuddled with each other for a little while, the autumn sun leaked through the window in the office and illuminated the office in a warm light.

Anemoia slowly pulled away from the operative and faced Practical, the operative could only stare at him. Practical became aware of how close their faces were, his eyes flickered down to Anemoia's lips and back up to his eyes again. Anemoia smiled a little and closed the distance between them, the operative's grip tightened on Anemoia's waist as he felt a soft pair of lips meet with his. Anemoia moved his lips with the operatives, Practical pulled the dawn closer by his waist and smiled into the kiss.

The operative bit down on Anemoia's bottom lip, causing Anemoia to open his mouth and let a small moan escape him. Practical slid his tongue inside the dawn's mouth, he leaned forwards more as he explored his mouth. Anemoia felt his tongue intertwine with the operatives and he groaned into the kiss, he had forgotten what this felt like. Anemoia snaked his hands up and they found the operative's soft hair, he pulled on it slightly and Practical smiled again. He slowly caressed Anemoia's figure and he savoured every little moment of the kiss, it was something he had missed.

The two of them were so immersed in their moment that they failed to hear the office door open, it was only until Anemoia heard the hinges of the door squeak and he pulled away from Practical. Practical was about to protest and pull Anemoia in again but his eyes followed to where the dawn was staring, at the door. Practical felt his eyes widen as he saw one of his fellow coworkers, Emotionless_Day, standing in the doorframe of the office and staring at the two of them. Anemoia immediately removed his arms from Practical's neck and got off of his lap, the operative felt chilly without his warmth.

Emotionless couldn't even find the words to speak anymore, he had seen too much, to be honest. He merely closed the door slowly and his footsteps could be heard walking away from the office, it became silent again. Anemoia was standing next to Practical and was staring at the door as Emotionless left and as soon as the operative's footsteps were no longer heard, he jumped back onto Practical's lap.

Practical jumped a little at the sudden action, his hands immediately found the dawn's waist and pulled him in again as if on impulse. Anemoia smiled a little and leaned into the operative's ear, Practical shivered as the dawns words sent chills down his spine.

"Shall we continue?~"


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