"Fuck Me" [Great_Day x Merciless_Night]

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The days, along with their leader Great_Day, crept through the forest that sat outside their city. The days had suspicions that some nights were camped out in the forest and planned to sneak into the city, so they went in to find them. Great_Day, Macabre_Day and Unpredictable_Day slowly crept their way through the thick forest and avoided stepping on any sticks. They couldn't risk making any noise, they didn't know where the nights were camped at and they couldn't risk making noise. They had decided to comb out the forest during the late afternoon, they had originally planned to do it during the night but the night creatures were lurking during them and would make it extremely difficult.

They reached a clearing and Great signalled one operative to head left and the other to head right, Great continued straight forward. The forest was silent, only the sound of Great's shallow breathing could be heard after he sent off his two operatives. He reached another clearing and cautiously stepped into it, the bushes ruffled a little behind him. He stood in the middle of the clearing and he looked around, the trees and bushes around him were so thick he couldn't see through them. Great senses movement behind him, in a swift motion he grabbed the pistol in his holster and whipped around. He aimed the pistol straight forward, no one was there.

It happened so quickly, a figure jumped out from the trees behind him and knocked Great to the ground. The leader landed on his back, the person who knocked him over was kneeling on top of him and their legs were parted by his waist. The leader's pistol fell out of his hand and slid across the forest floor, he cursed to himself as he felt a gun press onto the side of his head. The person grabbed both of his wrists and pinned them above his head, he couldn't escape. Great eventually stopped struggling, his lower half was trapped by this person and his wrists bounded, it didn't look good for him at all.

The figure who had trapped him leaned forward, observing him. Great looked up at this person, he could finally see their face. The leader groaned out loud as he studied the person on top of him, Merciless_Night raised an eyebrow in response. "Is there a problem?", Merciless asked to the leader, his tone was dripping in sarcasm and he leaned closer. "Of course there's a problem you absolute idiot!", Great felt his temper rise a little, he couldn't believe that he had been so easy to take down and the fact that his enemy did it. Merciless laughed a little at the leader's foolish behaviour, he loosened his grip on Greats wrists and attempted to holster his pistol.

Great pulled his wrists free from Merciless's grasp, grabbed onto the night's waist and flipped them over. Merciless fell onto his back, hitting the dirt floor and Great was now on top of him, kneeling on the night and his legs were spread apart slightly due to Merciless's waist being in between them. Merciless grimaced at his poor actions and turned away, avoiding the leader's gaze. "Why did you even holster your gun? What a shitty operative", Great sneered and he grabbed the night's wrists and pinned them above Merciless. "I was ordered to not kill the [SUPREME LEADER], even though I wish to. If you had been an operative, you would have been dead within seconds", Merciless spat out, he flickered his eyes towards Great and stared at him. Great could only laugh at the night, causing Merciless to clench his jaw in anger. The night out his head back onto the ground in defeat, he was sure that Great would kill him now.

"Oh fuck me", Merciless muttered under his breath in frustration. Great's head perked up a little and a small smirk appeared on his face, Merciless noticed this and felt himself blush a little as Great leaned forward more. Merciless squirmed a little as he felt their lower regions rub against each other, it didn't help that Great was basically kneeling on top of him with parted legs and the leader's crotch was pressed up against his.

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