Yes im alive lol

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So here we are 10 months later-

No because I've been reading through all of these stories over the months and tbh, what was I doing oh my god-

Sorry for the people who read these and suffered 🥲

Ok so first of all, I'm sorry for having just disappeared and never updating at all. I had hoped to get back to writing after a month but I guess life had other plans, I had like zero time to write and just not enough motivation and I'm sorry.

Overall, Im in a much better place than I was the last time I published and Ive become more active on Wattpad now. I do hope to write something soon, even if it's just one shots of random things, I just need to find the right time.

I'm also sorry to say, there's really no chance I'm going to be writing days union stuff anymore. Maybe I'll get motivated for like 10 minutes and write smut because I feel like it, who knows.

I have been wanting to write ever since I stopped but I guess the lack of motivation stopped me, smut is like the only thing I can write and I'm yet to try other genre of writing.

But yeah, I'm still going to keep this story up because one, I like looking back on them and seeing how not okay I was then and secondly, all of the comments under these stories have me laughing so much😭🖐

Legit though, thank you all who supported me when I was writing and even now, having basically abandoned this book for almost a year, I still get notifications from people voting for a chapter or adding this book to their reading lists. Thank you :)

But yea that's all I have to say, I will be on here more often (writing or reading books lol) and hope to publish soon

-Emerald :)

(Also I just found a draft I saved 10 months ago and never posted- its not even done and has like no action in it but let me know if you want me to post it lol)

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