"Sweet" [Scary_Day x Emotionless_Day]

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Scary and Emotionless shuffled around the [SUPREME LEADERS] office, occasionally dusting off the books and tidying things up. The [SUPREME LEADER] was currently away, he had travelled out of the day's city for unspecified reasons. He ordered the two operatives to make sure his office and house were tidy and dusted off when he returned, but he never said when he would return.

Scary was currently very irritated by the actions of the other operative that he was working with, Emotionless had been messing things up left and right. Emotionless knocked over several books from the leader's bookshelf when dusting it, he swept a pile of important documents off of the desk when wiping it down and broke a glass cup when tidying up the coffee table.

Scary would death glare the operative every time he messed up, Emotionless would simply ignore eye contact and continue cleaning. Scary's temper was growing shorter every passing day, he resisted the urge to just shoot the operative and reminded himself that if he did hurt him in any way, he would most likely be in huge trouble when the [SUPREME LEADER] returned.

On a sunny afternoon, Scary and Emotionless made their way to the [SUPREME LEADERS] mansion. They usually started with the leader's office first then moved onto the rest of the house, most of the house was just spare rooms and not much cleaning had to be done there. Scary was already in a grumpy mood and didn't say a word as Emotionless unlocked the door to the [SUPREME LEADERS] mansion, Scary walked straight in as Emotionless closed the door behind the two of them. They walked in complete silence down the hall, the sounds of their footsteps echoed off the walls and Emotionless kept glancing at the other operative.

They finally reached the door that led to the [SUPREME LEADERS] office, Emotionless unlocked the door and stepped in, Scary following behind him. They had left some simple cleaning supplies in the corner of the room and Emotionless grabbed a duster and began to dust the bookshelves, Scary grabbed a spray bottle and rag and began to clean the tables in the room. Neither of them said a word and Scary prayed that Emotionless didn't screw anything up, he glanced at the operative from time to time.

After Emotionless had finished dusting the bookshelf he made his way over to the leader's desk to dust and tidy it up, Scary also went to the desk to spray it down. They were standing next to each other in front of the desk while they worked, Scary worked on one side of the desk and Emotionless worked on the other half. They worked in silence, the office was practically quiet except for the sound of the spray bottle.

As Emotionless was dusting the front part of the desk, his elbow accidentally knocked over a jar of ink. The glass jar tumbled downwards, it hit the wooden floor with a crash and ink along with glass pieces went flying. The ink got on both of the operative's shows and the hems of their pants, the glass pieces slid across the room in multiple directions.

Emotionless stared at the mess he had made, he sighed a little and turned to face the other operative. Scary was fuming, his last bit of calmness had left him. He grabbed Emotionless's front collar and pulled him close, about to start chewing out the clumsy operative.

However, Emotionless was quite light and fell forward at Scary pulling him forward with such force. Emotionless wrapped his arms around the operative in front of him as an impulse and this caused him to pull closer to Scary, his eyes widened as the distance between them closed.

Scary's eyes widened as well as he felt a soft pair of lips rest on his, his lips parted slightly due to the shock and so did Emotionless's. The two of them froze, their minds had stopped working and the ability to speak was lost. Emotionless was leaning forward slightly and tried to regain a normal stance, but he pulled his arms, which were wrapped around the other operatives neck, forward and caused Scary to be pulled towards him even more.

Their lips became pressed together even more and Emotionless gasped a little at this action, he could feel a blush creep up to his face. His mouth fell open as he felt Scary run his tongue over his bottom lip and Emotionless felt his face heat up as Scary's tongue entered his mouth. The feeling of the operatives tongue intertwined with his made Emotionless moan a little into this kiss, he could feel Scary smile a little and continue these actions.

Scary removed his hand from the operatives collar and gripped onto Emotionless's waist with both hands, pulling him closer. Emotionless's arms were still wrapped around the other operatives neck and he moved his hands up until he felt the operative's hair. He threaded the fingers through it and occasionally tugged on it, causing Scary to groan a little. Scary bit onto Emotionless's bottom lip, making Emotionless moan again and Scary went crazy at the taste of the operative.

Emotionless's eyelids fluttered a little as Scary continuously ran his tongue over his lips and around his mouth, small noises of content escaped him. He continued to play with the other operatives' soft hair and pulled him closer, he smiled into the kiss as well. Emotionless went slightly insane as he felt Scary caress his waist and pulled him closer, their bodies pressed together.

Scary pulled away, a string of saliva connecting from both of their swollen lips. Scary slowly trailed his lips down Emotionless's jawline and stopped at his neck, he slowly kissed the operative's pale neck. Emotionless whined a little as he felt Scary bite onto him and sucked on his neck, he threw his head back a little and his legs turned into jelly.

Scary continued to suck on that one spot, occasionally giving small kisses to other parts of Emotionless's neck. "You... taste... so... sweet~", Scary said in between the small kisses he gave to the operatives neck. Emotionless whimpered at the sound of the other operative's voice, his lips felt cold without Scary's on them.

Scary pulled away from the operatives neck and admired the mark he left, Emotionless's taste lingered on his lips. He immediately pulled Emotionless in and slammed his lips on the operatives again, savouring the taste. Emotionless gasped a little at the sudden action and his mouth fell open, causing Scary to slip his tongue inside. Both of the operatives smiled into the passionate kiss, it fuelled both of them with a sense of happiness and lust.

The sound of the office door opening made Scary quickly pull away from Emotionless and whip his head in the direction of the door, he could feel embarrassment eating at him as his eyes met with the person who had entered the office. The [SUPREME LEADER] stood at the entrance to the office, his hand in the doorknob as he stared at his two operatives. Emotionless realized that he and Scary were still in the position where Scary had his hand on his waist and he had his arms wrapped skeins Scary, he blushed as he felt the leader's gaze on him.

The silence was tense as the leader's eyes trailed from both of the operative's swollen lips and the mark on Emotionless's neck, the two operatives avoided their leader's eyes. The [SUPREME LEADER] cleared his throat and began to speak, "Uhm, the two of you please tidy up the broken ink bottle and you are dismissed from the property." The leader turned on his heel and shut the door with a snap behind him, the two operatives stood there and didn't move at all.

Slowly, Scary removed his hands from Emotionless's waist and Emotionless let his arms fall on either side of him. They began to clean up the spilled ink and broken glass in silence, their minds were fogged and their thoughts were focused on the events that happened just moments ago. They disposed of the glass and Scary opened the door for Emotionless, they both stepped out only to face their leader again. The leader was trying to not laugh as he motioned his two operatives to edit the building, he burst into laughter as soon as they were out of sight.

Scary and Emotionless exited the building and Scary grabbed onto Emotionless's shoulder, turning him so that they were facing each other. Scary pressed a kiss onto Emotionless's lips, Emotionless immediately melted into the kiss. Scary could only mutter into the kiss.

"So sweet~".


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