"Accident" [Practical_Day x Dauntless_Night]

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Dauntless stumbled through the forest that was coated with darkness, the sky was dark and the moon cast a weak moonlight on the path in front of him. Some of the nights had travelled to the forest outside of the day's city and were planning to sneak in tomorrow, they had set up camp so they could prepare. Each night took turns scouting the area just in case they were being watched and tonight was Dauntless's turn, unfortunately, he had gotten lost and couldn't find the tent that he shared with Joyous. There were only 4 nights that left and they only brought 2 tents, so they shared and they didn't mind so that was good.

Dauntless tripped over a tree root and fell flat on the ground, he felt the wind knock out of him and he pushed himself up. He brushed off the dirt on his uniform and looked forward, his heart skipped a beat as he saw an outline of what looked like a tent in the distance. He picked up his pace as he walked towards it, stepping over more tree roots and trying to be as quiet as possible. As he got closer he could see that it was a tent after all and looked like his, he sighed in relief and slowly unzipped the entrance.

He entered slowly without making a sound and lay down next to the other figure in the tent, the figure stirred a little as Dauntless lay down. The night shrugged it off, faced his back to the figure and shut his eyes. He didn't fall asleep right away, something kept him awake. He could hear the figure shuffling next to him more but he kept telling himself that his college was probably having a bad dream of something, he did it realize that the figure had scooted closer to him. Dauntless felt himself become drowsy, his senses shut down and he finally fell asleep.


Practical stirred awake as he heard someone enter his tent, he was still very drowsy and couldn't remember if he was sharing a tent with anyone. Practical was one of the few days that travelled to the forest outside of their city to spy on the nights, they had spotted the nights setting up camp and decided to camp in the forest as well in an attempt to catch them before they snuck into the city. They set up several tents near the nights and waited for the right time to strike, they didn't want to approach them at night since it would be too dark.

The operative felt someone lay down next to him and he moved slightly again, he was facing the person who was laying down but his eyes were still closed. Practical could hear the person shift around and finally lay still, he waited a couple of moments and opened his eyes a little. The person had their back towards him so he couldn't see their face, it was also very dark so he couldn't define any features from this person. He assumed that he was sharing a tent with one of his fellow coworkers and relaxed a little, he subconsciously scooted closer to the person. It was chilly within the tent and the figure was radiating some warmth, it felt nice.

Dauntless had fallen asleep completely and Practical was dozing off, every minute he scooted closer to the night, without knowing who he was until he was pressed right up against him. Sometime within the night, the operative had wrapped his arms around the night's waist and pulled him closer, he rested his chin in the person's shoulder as well. Practical was barely even awake when he did this, he just wanted warmth and didn't think much of what the other person would think. Dauntless had felt a pair of arms snake around his waist and warmth of his back when he was asleep, it felt nice. He moved back more and pressed against this person, even more, he smiled a little. The two of them fell asleep completely, totally unaware.


Dauntless was the first to come to his senses, it was still chilly inside the tent and the only source of heat was coming from someone hugging him from behind. The sun had barely risen and the forest was covered with a weak glow, the chirping of birds could be heard in the distance. The night shifted around a little, confused as to why he couldn't move that much. His eyes trailed down to his waist where he saw a pair of arms embracing him, he also became aware of how close he and the person hugging him were. He was very sure that this was no night, he could see the sleeves of their uniform and it was different.

Dauntless panicked and tried to pry himself away from this person, but the arms pulled him in closer. Practical felt the person try and break free of his grasp and he pulled them back, he snuggled against them more for warmth. "Mhm stay~", Practical murmured and Dauntless froze at the sound of the voice. The night recognized the voice immediately and felt himself blush a little, he was sure that if Practical found out who he was the operative would freak out.

Dauntless squirmed around a little, rubbing against the operative's lower region and causing Practical to shift around a little. Dauntless looked down at the arms around his waist again and felt the operative's hands trail down to his inner thigh, he gulped. Practical moved his hand around the night's thigh, slowly rubbing it and brushing against his dick. He could feel something poking at his lower back as he squirmed against the operative and he froze, he also felt his pants become a little tight as Practical kept brushing against his dick.

This went on for several minutes, the night was in somewhat shock and didn't dare move. Practical had moved his hand onto the night's dick and rested it there, the night felt himself become harder by the second. He couldn't bear this anymore, he struggled and turned around so that he was facing the operative and swore under his breath. Practical shot awake at the feeling of someone squirming and whispering, he opened up his eyes immediately. The operative's eyes widened as his eyes met with Dauntless's, he noticed that his arms were wrapped around the night and how close they were.

Practical also became aware of the uncomfortable tightness in his pants and averted his eyes downwards, he felt his face heat up as he saw a slight problem in his and the night's pants. Memories of him hugging and cuddling a figure last night flooded back to him and he remembered how he had used his hand to rub against the night's thighs, the way Dauntless had rubbed against his own dick.

Dauntless looked down, they were still pressed together with Practicals arms around the night's waist and the night felt the extreme awkwardness in the situation. Practical looked down at the flustered night and removed his arms from his waist, the night scooted away a little and they both sat up. Both of them were flushed and not knowing what to say, the air was filled with a tense silence.

Dauntless found the courage to speak, "Uhm, wrong tent. Sorry", he proceeded to attempt to stand up but the operative grabbed his wrist and pulled him down. Dauntless landed right in the operative's lap, Practical gripped onto the night's waist and rested his chin on the night's shoulder. Dauntless's breath caught in his throat as he felt one of the operative's hands trail down to his thigh, Dauntless stifled a moan as the operative began to caress his thigh.

Practical watched as the night completely fell apart at his slightest touch, he purposely brushed against Dauntless's growing boner just to see him whine. Dauntless placed his hands on the ground and curled his fingers inwards while he was slowly being tortured, he threw his head back while whining. His pants became unbearably tight and he cursed under his breath, small noises slipped past his lips.

Footsteps could be heard outside the tent, causing Dauntless to turn toward the noise and launch himself off of Practical. But the operative still had his arm wrapped around the night so Dauntless basically pulled him with him, Dauntless landed on his back while Practical fell right on top of him. They both tried to recollect themselves, their legs were tangled with each other's and they were both blushing endlessly.

Practical froze as he heard his tent entrance unzip and a voice speaking, "Practical get up we need to go-". The voice stopped abruptly and Practical slowly turned his head towards the tent entrance, shifting slightly on top of the night. Practical wished that the floor could just swallow him as his gaze fell upon a dumbstruck Emotionless, he merely stood there with a blank expression. Practical could feel the night below him squirm a little and he realized what position they were still in, he didn't dare move though since he didn't want the other operative to see the very clear problem in both of their pants.

Emotionless sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he closed the tent and walked away, "it's only 7 in the fucking morning, where's my coffee".




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