"One Taste And I Was Hooked" [Otherworldy_Night x Scary_Day]

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The day's city hall was filled with happy chatter and the sound of jazz music playing in the background, days and citizens chatted amongst each other. The union had uncovered some information about the Night Coalition and had formed a perfect plan to blackmail them, they were filled with excitement. They decided to celebrate their findings and achievements with their citizens, it was a civilized gathering.

The Night Coalition had caught wind of this gathering, they had planned to send some spy's into the day's city to attempt to survey the operatives and potentially gather some information. The Night Coalition had chosen Otherworldly_Night to sneak into the days Scott and into the gathering at city hall, he was enlightened to take the job. They had sent him to the day's city when it was turning night time and dropped him off a few miles away from the city gate, he walked silently the rest of the way.

Otherworldly had changed out of his uniform, removed his hat and put on regular civilian clothing. He was almost unrecognizable, Otherworldly walked a couple more steps and saw the day's city gate come into view. He stared at the gate in front of him, the night sky coated the city beyond the gate with darkness, the moonlight illuminated Otherworldly. The night carefully scaled the fence, when he reached the top he hopped over to the other side and landed with a small thump. He began to walk through the day's city, all the residences were empty and quiet because the citizens were all at city hall. Otherworldly sped up as he saw a huge building that had several slights turned on inside, city hall.


Otherworldly had successfully made it into the day's gathering and was wafting his way through the crowds of citizens, keeping hidden from the operatives. The atmosphere was filled with happy emotions and the smell of food and drinks, Otherworldly focused his attention on the group of operatives on the side. They were all talking with each other, the [SUPREME LEADER] was sitting at a table with an operative and they looked as if they were talking about a serious subject. Otherworldly walked closer to the leader and this operatives table, he attempted to get a closer look at them. Otherworldly stood behind a table, pretending to observe the food being served as he snuck glances at the [SUPREME LEADER] and operative ahead of him.

After several glances, Otherworldly managed to recognize the operative who was sitting with the leader as Scary_Day. He and Scary had run into each other a couple of months ago, he had caught Scary and some other operatives attempting to sneak into their city. Otherworldly was alone at the time and unfortunately, the day operatives had escaped due to Otherworldly being the only night trying to stop them, Scary had taunted him as he ran away. Otherworldly's blood still boiled thinking about it to this day, he clenched his hands into fists slightly at the thought of it.

Otherworldly was looking down at the table still pretending to look at the food as he got slightly angry, he shot his head up again to sneak another look at the operative. He was shocked when his eyes met with someone else's, Scary had stopped talking with the [SUPREME LEADER] and brought his attention to the guy in front of him. Scary thought that this man looked rather familiar, but he shook off that feeling and continued to stare at him. Scary's gaze ran up and down this man in front of him, his eyes were pointed downwards and he seemed deep in thought. His messy hair and red cheeks made him look kind of cute.

Otherworldly stared at Scary and Scary stared at him, Otherworldly could feel his face heat up a little as Scary smiled at him. Otherworldly managed to wave awkwardly back before turning on his heel and making a beeline towards the washroom, not even daring to look behind him. He pushed open the washroom door and sighed in relief as he saw that it was empty, he walked over to the sink, turned it on and splashed cold water over his face. He placed his hands on the counter and leaned against it, closing his eyes trying to calm himself. He had no idea what impulse told him to run away, he felt so flustered as the operative gave him a small smile. Otherworldly looked up at the mirror in front of him, his hair was a fluffy mess and his cheeks were covered in blush. He felt like melting at the sight of Scary's smile, he had never seen the operative act so affectionate and it made him feel all fuzzy inside.

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