"Cross-Dressing" [Emotionless_Day x Great_Day]

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REQUESTED BY: Azyuu_ Emotionlessisgay


Emotionless had finished moving the remaining boxes of his belongings into a spare room in Greats mansion, he sighed and stood up to stretch. His house had been attacked by night creatures last night, they had broken in and ransacked his house. Emotionless fled and returned the next morning to a partially destroyed house, the door was broken down and all the windows smashed.

Great insisted that Emotionless stay at his place while they renovated his house and fixed everything up, it would be much safer there. So the following morning, Emotionless moved most of his clothing and other necessities out of his house and to Great's mansion. The leader leads him through the cast house, they passed by many closed doors and finally stopped in front of one that was a couple of rooms away from Great's office. The leader opened the door and motioned Emotionless inside, Emotionless was carrying three boxes full of clothes and belongings that haven't been damaged. He walked into the room and set the boxes down onto a chair and looked around, Great watching him.

The room consisted of a bed, a small desk, chair, a closet and a door leading to a small washroom. "I know it's not much, but your safety is important operative", Great said to Emotionless and looked around the room as well. Emotionless merely nodded, he was great full for even having a place to stay now. "I will let you unpack and get settled in, your residence will most likely take a while to repair so expect to be here for about a week", Great said and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Emotionless stood in the middle of the room, silent. Then he headed over to the boxes he placed on the desk chair and began to unpack.


Emotionless had unpacked two boxes within a couple of hours, he was going through the last box he had and pouring its contents out onto the bed. Emotionless shifted through the pile of clothing that he had dumped on his bed, the clothes in this box mainly consisted of his favourite clothing items. Mainly formal wear was contained in this box, Emotionless shifted a pile of dress shirts across the bed and shifted his eyes back to the remaining small pile of clothes. His eyes locked with a garment that sat on top of the pile and he froze, a small smile appeared on his face as he picked up a skirt.

It was a simple dark green skirt, it had some small ruffles around it and was rather short. Emotionless owned several skirts, but this one was his favourite. He has shoved all of them into the back of his closet a couple of months ago when some operatives came over to his residence to hang out, he couldn't risk the operatives accidentally walking into his room and finding them. He had been too afraid to leave them lying around afterwards so he just left them in the back of his closet, he had hastily grabbed them when packing his things to stay at Great's mansion and didn't really pay attention to what he was grabbing.

Emotionless quickly slid off his pants and put the skirt on, he hadn't worn it in forever and the feeling of the fabric against his legs made him smile. He walked up to a mirror that sat near the bed, he was smiling like crazy now. He admired himself in the mirror, the skirt looked a lot more shorter now that he saw it on him but he didn't care. His pale thighs were very visible and the skirt showed off his legs more, he loved it. Emotionless did a small twirl, his hat falling off in the process and his hair becoming a little messy. This happy feeling had been compressed deep down in him forever, he had to stay in character because of his name and sometimes it was hard to do that.

Emotionless continued to jump and twirl in front of the mirror, a happy feeling overcame him. He looked in the mirror again and noticed the doorknob to the door of the room turned slightly, he froze and stared in fear. His body was frozen and he couldn't move, his mind went blank. The doorknob fully turned and the door was pushed open, Great walked into the room while staring at some papers in his hands. He looked up at his operative and froze as well, the papers in his hand dropped to the floor with a rustle. Emotionless could feel himself blush a little as the leader's eyes trailed over him, Great's eyes scanning and observing him carefully.

Great couldn't help but smile a little, he was quite amused and never expected to see his operative act like this. He had seen his operative reveal emotion only one other time and that happened so long ago, seeing Emotionless happy like this filled Great with a warm fuzzy feeling. Great continued to check out the operative, the way the skirt hugged his slim waist and how his thighs were very noticeable due to the skirt being so short. He looked so cute, the way his hair was all messed up and his face covered in a blush made Greet chuckle.

Emotionless's eyes met with Greats and Emotionless felt himself blush even more as he looked away, he turned to face the mirror again and stared at the floor. He could hear the leader walk towards him and he held his breath, he was sure that he was in trouble. Great came up behind Emotionless and gently gripped his waist, pulling the operative closer. Emotionless's breath hitched in his throat, he could feel the leader's breath on his shoulder and he didn't dare turn his head. Great chuckled a little at the operative's shy behaviour, he leaned in until he was right next to Emotionless's face. "Don't worry darling, you look gorgeous~", Great whispered to Emotionless and pulled him in closer.

Emotionless's face was full-on red, he turned his head towards the leader after he spoke and his eyes widened when he realized how closely their faces were. Emotionless's eyes flickered down to Great's lips and back up again, without thinking he leant forward a little and felt their lips connect. Emotionless gasped a little at this feeling, his mouth fell open on its own accord and Great slowly slipped his tongue inside. Emotionless moaned a little into the kiss and he could feel the leader smile, his lips felt so soft. The way that their lips moved together so perfectly made both of them hungry for more and Emotionless was practically starving as he leaned into Great even more, desperate for more.

Great pulled away and wasted no time, he tightened his grip on the operative's waist and pulled him over to the bed. He threw Emotionless onto the bed, the operative landing on his ass and Great moved in front of him. The leader slowly caressed Emotionless's thighs, the operative moaning slightly at this action. Great reconnected their lips as he continued to stroke the operative's pale thighs, shoving his tongue into Emotionless's mouth as he did so.

Emotionless was whimpering like crazy as he felt Great's hand lightly brush against his dick from under the skirt, then makes its way back down his thigh. He wrapped his arms around Great's neck and pulled him in closer, the leader's light touches were making him lose it already. The kiss was filled with lust, Emotionless couldn't stop the noises that escaped past his lips. Great purposely brushed against the operatives dick, making Emotionless whine for more. He loved seeing the operative beg for his touch, completely submitting himself to him.

Great pulled away for a moment then latching his fingers around the waistband of Emotionless's skirt, he paused then looked into the operative's eyes. "You look so good in this, but I want what's underneath more~", Great said to the operative in front of him, his voice full-on list. Emotionless's mouth fell open a little in pure shock, he could only nod.

Long story short, Great had to order a new bed for that room.


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