"Wet Hands" [Radiant_Day x Unpredictable_Day]

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Every single operative sat in the vast meeting room, none of them uttering a word. Their [SUPREME LEADER] had called for a meeting to discuss and come up with better ways to keep the [NIGHT CREATURES] away from the civilians. More and more civilians flowed into hospitals each day and operative [BENEVOLANT_DAY] was becoming exhausted from treating them all day. Each operative had their head down, pouring over books and pieces of paper with notes and scribbles littered the table. It was dead quiet in the meeting room, only the sound of pencils on paper could be heard. Their [SUPREME LEADER] sat at the end of the great table, a laptop placed in front of him, he typed occasionally and frowned now and then. Everyone seemed to be so immersed in their work, desperate to come up with some ideas. Everyone except for Radiant_Day and Unpredictable_Day.

Radiant kept glancing over at Unpredictable from across the table, with the occasional winking when their eyes met. Unpredictable was unable to focus on any of his work, he felt a light blush on his face. This only amused Radiant even more, he continued to tease the flushing operative from across the room, holding eye contact for a bit longer than usual. Unpredictable bit his lip and tried to ignore the flirting operative across from him, but to no avail. His head was full of the most erotic thoughts, oh the things he could do to Radiant, he would turn this big ego flirt into a whining whimpering mess below him. His mouth on his, he would taste so sweet, his pale neck would look so much better if he marked it. He wanted it, so badly.

Unpredictable formed a quick plan within his head, he would ask the [SUPREME LEADER] for a break and he knew Radiant too well, the operative would of course follow him. Unpredictable slowly stood up and made his way to the door, the [SUPREME LEADER] looked up, "Where are you going operative [UNPREDICTABLE_DAY]?". Unpredictable paused and turned around, trying to keep a straight face, "I need a small break [SUPREME LEADER] I hope that's alright", the [SUPREME LEADER] nodded and continued typing on his laptop. Unpredictable quietly slipped out of the door and waited for Radiant to join him. Not even 5 minutes had passed when Radiant exited the meeting room, his back facing Unpredictable as he backed out of the room and closed the door. As soon as the door shut, Unpredictable swiftly came up behind Radiant and grasped his hips firmly. Radiant's breath caught in his throat, he felt his face heat up and his flirty attitude was nowhere to be seen. Unpredictable slowly leaned in towards the stunned operative, his breath on the other's neck made Radiant shiver. "Where's all that flirt you were just showing huh? You seemed so confident back there", Unpredictable spoke in such a quiet tone, Radiant had to strain his ears to hear it. Radiant couldn't find the words he wanted to say, his voice was nonexistent. Unpredictable merely chuckled at the sight of the blushing operative, grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the nearest washroom.

Radiant's head was foggy, he was only half aware of where the other operative was taking him. Unpredictable pushed open the washroom door, opened the neatest stall door and threw the other operative inside. Radiant snapped out of his dazed state as he was pushed roughly against the stall wall and looked at the other operative's eyes full of lust. Unpredictable grabbed both of Radiant's wrists and pinned them above him, their faces were so close, Radiant could feel the breath of the other lightly brush his face. Unpredictable could only laugh to himself, it was so funny how Radiant would be flirting one second and being pinned down the next. Radiant was full on blushing by now, he wanted the other operatives' lips on him, he was desperate for it. "P-please" (I'm sorry the stuttering), was all Radiant could manage to say, he wanted Unpredictables touch, he would kill for it.

Within seconds, Unpredictable attached his lips onto the operative in front of him. Radiant's eyes widened, the feeling was addicting, the way they both moved their lips, the way Unpredictable tasted, this made Radiant go crazy for more. Slowly Unpredictable trailed his remaining arm down and rested his hand on Radiants waist while keeping his lips on the other operative. Radiant tasted just how he thought he would, sweet, his plump lips made Unpredictable hungry for more. He bit down onto Radiant's bottom lip, causing a solid moan to escape the blushing operative mouth. Unpredictable used this as an opportunity and slipped his tongue into the other operative's mouth. Radiant groaned into the kiss as he felt Unpredictable explore every part of his mouth.

Eventually, they had to pull away for air, Unpredictable detached his lips from the other operative. Radiant whined from the loss of contact, he missed Unpredictable's taste already. Unpredictable had a look of enjoyment on his face, seeing how the operative in front of him begged for more so easily. He slowly connected their lips again, this time the kiss was slow and passionate. Unpredictable gradually inched his hand closer towards the top of Radiant's pants, he smirked as his hand brushed over the other operatives' noticeable boner and Radiant moaned due to the contact. Unpredictable continued to stroke the other operative as Radiant kept moaning into the kiss, occasionally bucking his hips slightly.

Unpredictable's hand would trail away from the other operatives boner as he latched his two fingers around Radiant's belt. Slowly he loosened the belt and let it fall open, he hooked two fingers around the waistband of Radiants pants and pulled them down in one swift motion. Unpredictable pulled away from the kiss to catch his breath again, Radiant still pinned to the wall, slightly embarrassed as the other operative stared downwards at his noticeable boner through his boxers. Unpredictable brought his head back up and made eye contact with Radiant, he slowly began to try his hand up and down the other operatives clothed dick. Radiant immediately arched his hack in pleasure, he had missed this feeling, another moan slipped past his plump lips. Unpredictable continued these actions, stopping halfway to pull down the other operatives' boxers. Radiant was obsessed with Unpredictable's touch, his hands so talented, he loved the effect Unpredictable had on him.

Soon Radiant could feel his climax building in his lower region as Unpredictable continued to move his hand up and down, his moans grew louder and we're silenced with occasional kisses from another operative. The pleasure was so much, Radiant was loosing it. He had craved this for so long, his climax was gnawing at him wanting to be released. As Unpredictable made one final stroke, Radiant arched his back again as he felt himself release into unpredictable's hand. He attempted to catch his breath, his chest heaving up and down. Unpredictable planted another kiss onto Radiant's lips, this one was quick, much to Radiant's dislike. Unpredictable began to help redress the other operative when the door to the washroom opened causing the two operatives to freeze, "operative [RADIANT_DAY] and operative [UNPREDICTABLE_DAY], the [SUPREME LEADER] has noticed the long duration both of you have been gone for and he wishes for you both to return to the meeting room". It was the voice of operative [EMOTIONLESS_DAY], quickly both operatives composed themselves and unlocked their stall door. Emotionless raised an eyebrow at them as they existed, Radiant was still blushing and Unpredictable looked flustered. Emotionless said nothing, he only motioned for the two operatives to exit the washroom and return to the meeting room. Radiant and Unpredictable sped walked out of the bathroom and started down the hall, neither of them said anything.

Radiant entered the room first, then Unpredictable. They were met with the gazes of all the other operatives as they returned to their seats, both blushing still. Radiant sat down and immediately continued with his unfinished work, but as Unpredictable sat down, the [SUPREME LEADER] cleared his throat. Unpredictable looked up as his leader began to speak to him, "operative [UNPREDICTABLE_DAY] may I ask why your hand is, ahem, wet?". Unpredictable flushed again and glanced over at Radiant who also looked over at him, they held eye contact until the [SUPREME LEADER] spoke again. "Ah I see", the [SUPREME LEADER] said noticing the looked the two operatives gave each other. "Never mind then, back to work all of you", the [SUPREME LEADER] continued. All the other operatives forced their heads down and continued on their work, while Unpredictable hastily wiped his hand off onto his uniform.

Radiant and Unpredictable worked in silence, both of them noticeably flushed.

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