"You Caused The Problem, Now Fucking Fix It" [Macabre_Day x Joyous_Night]

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Macabre_Day was creeping around an office in the night's facility, he had been ordered to sneak in to see if he could uncover any more information about the coalition. It was night time and the weak moonlight shone through the only window in the office, casting a shadow of the operative on the ground. He walked over to the desk in the corner of the room, it faced forwards towards the door and had a rather large space underneath. The operative ran a single over the desktop, his finger picked up a thick layer of dust as the desk looked unused. Macabre opened the first drawer on the side under the desk, it creaked slightly as it slid open. The operative smiled a little as his eyes lay upon a single file folder contained inside the drawer, he picked it up and opened it on the desk. He leafed through the papers in the file, valuable information was presented in ink on the papers. The operative closed the folder and held it tightly in his hand, this was something worth bringing back to the union. He closed the drawer, trying to be as quiet as possible but the drawer still creaked a little when closing.

The office door creaked open, causing Macabre to jump a little and turn his head towards the door. The light from the hallway flooded into the dark office and a shadow appeared on the floor of another figure. The operative felt his blood run cold as Joyous_Night stepped into the office, a pistol in his hand and a smirk on his face. Macabre's hand tightened on the file and he stepped away from the desk, he glared at the night as his mind was frantically figuring out ways that he could escape. Macabre glanced at the single window in the room, it had a latch on the bottom of it and was big enough for him to slip through. Last resort he would jump out that way.

Joyous started towards the operative but stopped as his gaze landed on the file in Macabre's hand. The night had seen the operative glance at the window and if he tried to shoot him, Macabre would most likely make a run out the window. The file and the information inside it was very valuable to the coalition, they couldn't risk losing it. Joyous now had to think, he didn't want to risk letting that file leave the facility grounds, he would be punished for sure and on the other hand, maybe he could persuade the operative to leave the file alone.

Macabre could tell that the night was thinking, he also noticed the way Joyous panicked slightly when he saw the file that he was holding. The operative leaned against the desk, the night still deep in thought. The silence in the office was strange, they both seemed calm on the outside and yet both were thinking hard on the inside. Finally Joyous spoke, choosing his words carefully, "operative, how about you can leave that file where you found it and in return, I won't shoot you in the head". Macabre seemed slightly taken aback that the night's request was so straightforward, Joyous didn't even try to be nice about it.

Joyous knew that the safety of the file was way more important than shooting an operative and risk losing it, he really didn't want to be nice to his enemy but he had no choice. Macabre thought about the night's offer, he wanted to return this file to the union and yet his life was at stake. He bit his lip slightly and placed the file on the desk, "if I leave the file and you don't shoot me, you have to help me escape", Macabre said. He wanted to make sure that if Joyous didn't kill him, other nights wouldn't as well. Joyous sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, he was very reluctant to agree but nodded his head anyway. Macabre relaxed a little and Joyous walked over to the desk near the operative, they both seemed to be calmer.

The sound of voices in the hallway outside made both of them tensed up, the voices got louder and footsteps could be heard. Joyous knew he couldn't be caught with a day's operative, he would be questioned why he didn't shoot him on the spot and punished. Macabre quickly scrambled behind the desk and Joyous did the same, but they collided with each other and fell on the floor behind the desk. Macabre landed in his back and Joyous landed on top of him, his head on the operatives chest. Macabre blushed a little as the night propped himself up with his arms and hovered over him, the night seemed to realize what position they were in and rolled off to the side. Joyous leaned against the wall across from the desk and Macabre silently sat up, both of them straining their ears for any sounds in the hallway.

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