"Soft Kisses" [Unpredictable_Day x Dynamic_Day]

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Unpredictable walked in silence along the sidewalk, it was currently very early in the morning and no civilians had awoken yet. The sun was slowly rising and the air felt warm, Unpredictable felt at ease. He passed by several other operatives going to work as he made his way to the City Square, Unpredictable always made sure he passed by Dynamics book shop every day before going to work.

Unpredictable had liked Dynamic for the longest time, he had been so confused when he first saw the operative like this. The feelings toyed with Unpredictable, it made him go slightly insane. The way Dynamic made him feel, it was as if thousands of butterflies had invaded his stomach. He felt safe and around him, he loved talking with him as well. He tried to figure out his feelings and why he had felt this way for the longest time, this resulted in sleepless nights for the operative. He never thought he would ever fall for one of his coworkers, especially a guy. After months of trying to figure all of this out, Unpredictable finally concluded that he was bisexual. It seemed so strange to him at first, he never told any of the operatives for fear that they would think he was disgusting or weird. But he wanted to tell Dynamic his feelings for him, every day it became harder to act completely normal around the other operative.

As Unpredictable neared City Square, the sounds of other operatives opening up their shops could be heard. The occasional sound of doors opening and signs being placed outside shops could be heard, as the sun slowly illuminated all the buildings in the city. Unpredictable smiled slightly as Dynamics shop came into view, it looked as if it was already open. Unpredictable stopped in front of the shop door, he looked through the window to see Dynamic sitting on the front desk reading a book. Unpredictable's smile got wider, he looked so cute.

Unpredictable slowly opened the door, the bell above the door signalling his arrival. Dynamic looked up from his book, his eyes met with the operative who had just entered, Unpredictable could feel himself blush slightly from the eye contact. "Unpredictable!! Finally! I was wondering when you were going to get here!" Dynamic said while hopping off the desk and walking towards Unpredictable. Unpredictable could only wave back as he felt himself blush, even more, he had no idea that Dynamic was waiting for him.

Unpredictable became lost in thought again, only to be pulled out by Dynamic who pulled him into a hug. Unpredictable could feel his face become full-on red now, several moments passed until he returned the hug. Dynamic pulled away and smiled, "I missed you, come sit with me", he grabbed Unpredictable's wrist and dragged him over to the front desk. Dynamic jumped up and sat down onto the desk again, then motioned Unpredictable to sit next to him. Still red in the face, Unpredictable simply nodded and sat down next to Dynamic. They sat in silence as Dynamic continued to read his book and Unpredictable was still trying to process what had happened a few moments ago, why had Dynamic hugged him? Did he really miss him that much? It felt nice to be in his embrace though, it felt warm and Unpredictable felt safe.

The silence was broken as Dynamic spoke to Unpredictable, "Unpredictable why is your face still red, are you okay?" Dynamic leaned closer to Unpredictable to look at him, Unpredictable could feel himself lose his breath as Dynamics' face inched closer. Several tense moments passed of just Dynamic continuing to stare at the flushing operative in front of him, Unpredictable was having a lot of trouble attempting to form words and answer Dynamics question. One part of Unpredictable wanted to tell the other operative how he felt about him, but another half of him was screaming no for no particular reason.

Finally Unpredictable made up his mind, he wanted to tell Dynamic. Slowly Unpredictable began to form a sentence, his voice a bit shaky, "well-" he began. But before Unpredictable could say another word, he felt Dynamics' lips on his. Unpredictable's eyes widened in shock and his mouth fell open, it only lasted for a second before Dynamic pulled away. A small grin sat on Dynamics' lips, while Unpredictable blushed again. "I knew it!! Haha, you do like me", Dynamic said to the flushing operative in front of him. Unpredictable could only stare in shock, his mouth still slightly open and all words seemed to leave his mouth. How had he known? It wasn't like he had told anyone about his feelings before? Unpredictable's head immediately became crowded with more and more questions, his vision became slightly foggy.

He was brought back to the world around him as he realized that Dynamic was right in front of him, staring at him with an amused look on his face. Unpredictable's mustered up all the courage he could and began to speak, "um, how do you know, I never told anyone and I'm sorry. You must think I'm really weird now, I can leave now if you want". Unpredictable attempted to get off of the counter and ran out of the shop, but Dynamic placed both of his onto Unpredictable thighs. This made Unpredictable freeze and flush again, he could feel Dynamic begin to trail his hands up his thighs and snake around his waist. Dynamic grasped onto Unpredictable's waist and pulled him closer, their lips almost touching. Unpredictable couldn't speak, his eyes met with Dynamics who flickered his eyes down to Unpredictable's lips and back up again.

Unpredictable felt their lips reconnect again, his mouth fell open again as a small groan escaped him. Dynamics lips were so soft, they tasted so sweet. Their lips moved together, it was heavenly. He could feel Dynamic grip his waist harder and Unpredictable slowly wrapped his arms around the other operative neck, pulling him closer. The feeling was so new to the two operatives, they loved it. Unpredictable felt Dynamic's tongue slowly enter his mouth and run along every crevice. Unpredictable moaned slightly at this feeling, he wanted this for so long.

Eventually, they had to pull away for air, Dynamic still gripped onto Unpredictable's waist and stared at him. A light blush could be seen on both operative's faces, their lips slightly swollen. Dynamic broke the silence, "I found out about your feelings myself, the way you always got flustered around me and you came by to visit me even though my shop is far away from your workplace. I appreciated you coming by though, it does get quite lonely in here". Dynamic looked into Unpredictable's eyes again and planted a small kiss on his lips, "you should go now, you have work" Dynamic said with a sad smile. "I can walk with you there if you want", Dynamic offered. Unpredictable nodded his head and hopped off the counter, together they headed towards the door. After Dynamic locked his shop, they started down the sidewalk. Their hands intertwined and the sun casting a warm glow on each of them, they felt at ease.


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